My Princess

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"Outta bed you lazy butts! Come and get your breakfast!"hawk yelled out to have the others to wake up for breakfast.

Elizabeth opened her blue eyes to see y/n staring right at her with her e/c eyes along with a happy smile on her face but has a hand stroking her cheek making elizabeth blush.

"Well good morning elizabeth! Ya feelin' better today?" she asked softly as she pulls her hand away.

"Oh yes, thank you for asking. I feel great and good morning to you too." Elizabeth respond to her with soft smile on her face as y/n smiled "lets get changing before hawks began to yell at us again." Elizabeth nodded and y/n gets off the bed.

Elizabeth began to get off the bed but blushes deeply when she glance over at y/n, seeing her change with her back facing her but once she remove her shirt that's when elizabeth eyes widened seeing four scars behind her back.

Y/n has finally changed into her uniform, "Lady y/n those sca-" Elizabeth was cut off when y/n spoke with a gentle tone "come on elizabeth we don't want to have the breakfast be made by meliodas" she walked out of the bedroom ans elizabeth frown.

But elizabeth couldn't help but get a feeling like she knows those scars but she shake her head, thinking she is losing her mind ans thinking nonsense but she began to change herself.

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Meliodas, y/n, elizabeth and hawk where all eating breakfast in the tavern downstairs thats when meliodas spoke up "Umm...y/n?"

"Mhm?" Y/n hummed as she continues to eat her food, not looking towards him.

"Can you please let me sleep with you in our room, i can sleep on the floor next to your bed..." meliodas said nervous.

"No." Y/n said firmly making meliodas frown.

Hawk and elizabeth began to feel nervous of the tensions between meliodas and y/n.

Diane frown of what she is hearing inside "now quit asking or I'll cut off your tongue" she said in a threatening tone and meliodas nodded.

Hawk and elizabeth began to feel uncomfortable of the tense but luckily ban came in time.

"I could sure use a drink Captain." Ban asked y/n with tired tone in his voice even looked exhausted "It's a little early don't you think?" Diane said to ban who only ignore her.

"Would you like to have some breakfast with us, Sir Ban?" Elizabeth said politely with a smile.

"You don't expect me to eat the Captain's husband awfully cooking do you?" Ban told elizabeth not looking back at her as he have his eyes closed as his hand rise up only to catched the bottle of ale that y/n threw at him.

"Well I wouldn't eat his cooking too but I did the cooking jackass." Y/n said as she throw a bottle to him and grinned.

Meliodas frowns and keeps on eating as he would glare at elizabeth a few times.

"Really? Then I'll eat later after i finish drinking!" Ban grinned as he pulled out the cork only for the ale exploded on his face having y/n snickered.

"Alright guys time to head to the Necropolis. We'll start looking for King there." Y/n pointed to the Necropolis' location on a map.

"Hold on, didn't you say fatty was six feet under these days?" Ban asked in a neutral tone as he sat on the chair laid back his hands behind his head.

"It's the only lead we got so I think we might as well check it out." Meliodas answered with a smile on his face as he glance at y/n who ignore him having him frown.

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