Fear & Comfort

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Elizabeth was cleaning the floors as she had Hawk on her shoulder but meliodas was frowning and siting on the chairs as he had an upset expression on his face, noticing that they aren't getting a lot of customers than they used to.

Y/n was cleaning the counter as she had noticed that they weren't getting customers as well, making her sighed in disappointment since they needed more money before they headed off to their next journey.

Elizabeth stopped cleaning the floors and glanced at y/n, speaking in a soft tone. "Lady y/n, it seems we have been getting a few customers lately."

Hawk began to speak, "Yeah. Scraps are getting so hard to come by these days, I'll be one skinny piggy pretty soon."

Meliodas frown. "Huh. Why would they stop coming?" he question.

"I bet it's because you're such a terrible cook!" Hawk said, causing meliodas to glare at the pig, making him flinch.

Elizabeth sweatdropped. "Now, now, take it easy, hawk."

"Beside I'm the one who's cooking the food. So maybe it's not that." Y/n said as she put the cloth over her shoulder, crossing her arms.

Meliodas then had an idea in his mind, having him groan in annoyance and glance over at y/n 'she'll only do it if y/n is involved.' He scoffed, and he slammed his fist into his palm, catching his wife, and the princess is attention.'Okay. It's time for a change... and I know exactly what to do even though i know i ain't gonna like it." He narrows his eyes.

Elizabeth tilted her head and looked at y/n, wondering what's his plan was as the (h/c) haired female shrugged, not knowing what's her husband plan was.

"Y/n could you come with me please, I will need your help in this idea, I have in mind." Meliodas asked his wife with a smile as y/n raised eyebrow, giving him a suspicious look "its not gonna be something dumb is it?"

Meliodas grinned. "Nope, I just need you for this to convince someone, and they'll only listen and accept my deal if you are involved in it."

Y/n groans "Why do you always involve me in these ideas of yours." She scoffed."Fine, I'll come." Meliodas grinned happily."Great."

"Elizabeth, take care of the tavern while we are gone, okay?" The demon woman told the princess who nodded, giving her a smile that she returned.

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Y/n and meliodas was walking down the street towards to Merlin lab as meliodas had his hand holding hers, their fingers intertwine then y/n glance over at man, calling to his son that it's time to leave having meliodas to halt of seeing his wife stopped walking.

He looked over to see what shes looking at. "What's the matter y/n? Is there something wrong?" Y/n hummed and shrugged."No, nothing is wrong. Let's just head over to merlin's place."

The dragon sin stared at his wife with a blank expression, and he nodded as they began to walk again towards their location.

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"You've still got all your weird little gadgets, don't ya?" Meliodas said to Merlin as he and y/n had finally arrived at her lab.

Y/n played with the doll and flick the doll head, who responded by muttering, making y/n smile and laughing softly.

This had meliodas smile of how adorable y/n is being as he smiled, looking at her.

Merlin felt her heart softened of hearing y/n laughed like that, she give the female demon a small smile of her being cute then she looked at meliodas and had a blank expression before she continued to do her experiment.

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