The Battle Has Began

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"You're not saying anything, so I guess that means I have my answer." Ban accused, glaring towards meliodas.

"Now is really not the time to be bringin' this up, y/n is-"

Ban jumped into the air nunchucks trained in meliodas, "i know what you did to y/n! The pain and suffering you caused on her that she didn't deserve! I won't let someone like you hurt y/n ever again!" Ban and meliodas fought in the air dodging, parrying, and attacking. "If I kill you right now, then y/n will be safe and happy away from you!" Ban hit meliodas, making him slam into the ground.

Meliodas and Ban continued to fight with meliodas, mostly countering Ban's nunchuck blows. "The hell are you talking about, huh!? Who the hell tell you that i make my wife unhappy, huh!?"

"Some stuck-up chick who called herself a Goddess! She was talking to us from this big ass horn thing, too!" Hawk exclaimed, making meliodas catch off gaurd slightly as he got surprised from hawks words, having ban to manage to hit his stomach with his nunchucks.

Ban sent meliodas flying back into a wall. Meliodas flew at Ban attempting to retaliate, but Ban's quick reflexes made him able to hit meliodas with his nunchucks.

Meliodas lay on the ground, a crater around him. "Ban, you're such an idiot! If you keep this up, our friendship is over, you got it? We can worry about meliodas did later! Y/n needs us!" Hawk yelled, trying his hardest to stop the fight, so they could save elizabeth and y/n.

"What? It's not like the two of us were ever friends anyway. If you don't shut your mouth, I'll kill you too, you swine." Ban had a cold tone that made Hawk both scared and sad as tears welled up in his pig eyes.

"Well, if I were playing for keeps, then you wouldn't live to tell the tale buddy!" Hawk sounded clearly scared.

"In that case, kill me already! I'm begging you!" Ban clenched the nunchucks very hard as blood began dripping down from his hand as he felt so guilty and angry at himself for letting y/n be unhappy for so many years and being alone with this man that was supposed to be his best friend, "That Goddess told me everything, how you threatened y/n if she left you! How you used a damn spell to make sure she doesn't leave you! You fucking chain her like she's some kind of damn dog to you! Even you treating y/n like shit! When she deserves to be treated better and not like trash! How fucking could you do that to her huh!?" He yelled out angrily

Meliodas eyes widened of ban finding that out as he frown and his demon markings receded, "I see. Fine then, kill me Ban." Meliodas gave Ban a smirk.

"Captain..." Ban narrows his eyes, glaring at him.


"So Dreyfus you're still alive?"

"Lady y/n and lady elizabeth please step back." Dreyfus ordered.

Elizabeth kept holding y/n, helping her stand since she could tell that y/n is in pain from the injury that Hendrickson given her but the princess seems to be clearly confused as to what was happening.

But y/n narrows her eyes and had them stepped back as she made sure to keep elizabeth close to her to keep her safe.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Elizabeth said worried, y/n give her princess a smile "I'll be fine Elizabeth, don't worry, just glad you aren't hurt."

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Hendrickson... I'm the one to blame for changing you so drastically, and for bringing this unimaginable chaos to the kingdom. Therefore I will atone for these wrongs here and now. By righting them myself."

Hendrickson's demon markings grew and started to detach itself from Hendrickson. "Do you honestly believe you have the power to stop me?"

"Yes. I will defeat you no matter the cost. I vow as a Holy Knight of Liones and I give you my word as your friend."

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