A Broken Promise

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Nightcome had arrived as Hawk's mom continued walking towards the group is destination thats the forest of white dreams.

Y/n splashed some water on her face as she was in the bathroom, getting herself ready for bed as she used the towel to clean her face, she walked out of the bathroom and went to walk passed the princess is bedroom but halted, she looked over at the door and took a peek to see elizabeth asleep, she quietly goes in and sat on the side of the bed, gazing at the princess is sleeping face.

She stared at her with a sad and kind smile on her lips, she lifted her head and used it to stroke her head on the side gently "sometimes, I wish you can still remember the memories we had together..." she whispered gently with sorrow in her (e/c) eyes. She then kissed her cheek softly before pulling away with a loving and painful smile on her lips.

Y/n got off the bed and headed out of the bedroom, closing the door behind her quietly, and she walked back to the bedroom. She went inside as she closed the door behind her.

She went over to the bed and sat down on her spot of the bed and glance over at her husband, who's asleep with the covers over him as y/n frown deeply and clenched her fists, her eyes filled with anger and pain as she narrows her eyes.

'It's ironic that you desperately want me to be by your side forever and become yours again when you saw that you were losing me to her and her taking me away from you... maybe next time, you shouldn't break your promise, meliodas...'

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~3000 Years Ago~

A (h/c) haired woman was walking down the hallway, looking for a familiar blonde man, she frown that she couldn't find him anywhere making her groan in annoyance as she was wearing a dark pants with high knee boots with a long sleeved top that had a keyhole on it, she continued to search for her husband until she spotted a familiar raven haired man in the distance "zel!" She called out happily.

Zeldris halted his walking, glancing over and he had a small blush on his cheeks of seeing the beautiful (h/c) haired, she ran over towards him with a soft smile "have you seen your brother somewhere?" She asked him, standing in front of him.

He shook his head "no I haven't, I think he's still out patrolling. Im sorry, y/n." She frown, hearing this "its okay, but thank you for telling me." she smiled at him, who returned it.

She went to walk away, but zeldris grabbed her hand, having her to halt "you know y/n... um, maybe me and you could hang out sometime since it's been awhile since we have." He blushed, looking away with a shy look on his face.

Y/n smiled warmly. "Sure, I would love that since it has been lonely for me cause your brother has been patrolling a lot and being distant with me for some reason." She said with a bit of hurt in her tone, having zeldris to frown with sympathy for y/n but irriated at his older brother.

"Well, I'm here for you whatever you need." He smiled at her softly, making her return one to him.

"Thank you, zel."

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Y/n was sitting on her bed as she was in hers and meliodas bedrooms, she looked down, letting out a sad sigh "meli has been distance from me for awhile which is odd, he's been always patrolling more than he usually is, something weird is going on with him, could it be-" she cut herself off when she heard the door open having her stood up.

She smiled happily of seeing meliodas. "meli! your back, im happy that you're alright." She went over to him, opening her arms to hug him and going to give him a kiss but he pulled himselt away from her with a blank look on his face "not now, y/n I'm tired." He boredly told her, walking past her.

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