It was quiet for the longest time. Rachel didn't say anything and neither did I. I didn't want to talk or look at anyone. But the time Rachel spoke up, it was dark.

"Hey, Jasp, did you tell him?" Rachel asked after a while. I bit my lip as I felt another tear go down my cheek. "No.... he doesn't need this before the game."

"Oh my god, you actually care that much.... It's sick."

I'm breaking over here.

"Just leave me alone. I'll do it after the game." I said, now getting pissed. Why is she so desperate to get him?! "The way you were making out with him before they started says something different."

I shot up like a rocket an faced her. "Why don't you leave me the hell alone!?" I was crying now. "I haven't done shit to you and all you want to do is break me and Aaron up! What is your problem!?"

"Your my problem, Jasper! You don't have to do anything to get people to look at you! You get all the attention! Sure, no one knows your name. But everyone knows who you are! They talked about how the new girl was the hottest girl in school! How she was already hanging out with the popular kids! Before you came here, people worshiped me! But you had for him that, didn't you Jasper?!"

"You think I want attention?! Im not an attention whore like you! You are so desperate to have Aaron and break me up with him aren't you? Thats why you threatened to show that video if I didn't break up with him!"

"What video?"

Oh no.....

I gulped and turned to see Aaron. He was confused, and anyone could tell. He had his helmet in his hand and was not on the bleachers. His game was still going on. They had just started the last quarter, and Aaron wasn't put in until the last minute, I guessed. Thats why he was down on the field while we were on the bleachers.

"Hazel... What. Video."

I gulped and looked at the ground. I don't know what to do. What do I say. I hate you, Kayla. I really do. "The one where she was kissing Alex."

My head shot up to Kayla, who smirked at me. I looked at Aaron and jumped off the bleachers. "No! Thats not what it was!" I said, walking towards him. He looked shocked. His jaw was open and sweat was dripping all down his face. His hair was soaked. But he was mainly confused. "Aaron, You have to believe-"

"Now I know why you were acting so weird." He said at nearly a whisper. And now I could see he was completely angry. His eyebrows were fused together and his jaw was clenched. "Aaron that's not-"

Aaron pushed me out of the way as Kayla stomped over to him, swaying her hips back and forth. She smirked, and he still looked pissed.

Oh.... so now he's going I break me even more. Yay for me.

"Your a lying, manipulative, backstabbing, slutty little whore that doesn't know when to quit,"

My eyes got wide. Because those words came from Aaron. So he was mad at Kayla.... and not me. I couldn't help but smile. He was sticking up for me. "Whatever fucking video you threatened my girlfriend with, you need to give it up. Because Kayla..... no one, will ever date someone as heartless as you. You don't care about anyone's well being but your own. Your selfish. And I don't like you. I never will,"

He looked at me and smiled. "Because I like someone else. Someone who would do anything to save the people she loves. And someone who puts others in front of herself, unlike you," he looked back at Kayla. "So give up the video, and you might not get hurt."

Kayla stood there, unspeakable. her jaw was on the ground and tears were coming silently from her eyes, making her makeup run. She was just as shocked as I was. I never though I'd hear those things come from Aaron. He spoke the truth, definitely. And he finally told off the slutty ass bitch.

"Kayla.... give me the video."

Kayla flinched. Before yanking out her camera and throwing it towards Aaron. "There! Have it your way! You are your stupid ass girlfriend won't even last a month anyway! Just stay out of my life!"

She stomped away and I couldn't move. My feet were frozen solid To the ground, and I couldn't ind words to say. Aaron came up to me and grabbed my shoulders. I could only stare wide-eyed at him. He smiled and pushed some strands of hair behind my ears. "I've been waiting to tell her that." He whispered, cupping my face with his sweaty hands.

I stared up at him. His sweaty strands of hair sticking to his forehead, making his blue eyes stick out more. I gulped. "Y-Your not mad at me?"

"Why should I be? You didn't do anything...... look.... I don't know what was in that video, but whatever it is, must've been pretty bad if you were going To break up with me. Anytime someone does that to you, come and tell me, and I will deal with it, okay?"

I nodded and put my hand over his that was sill on my face. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. But I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed the collar of his Jersey and pulled him to me. I kissed him hard. I know I said earlier that I kissed him with all my emotions.... but I think this one beat our last one.

Either way, I pulled back. Because I don't think anyone wants to see a make out session. He smiled down at me and kept his hands around my face. Mine were still at his Jersey. I licked my lips and kept them apart as I stared up at Aaron.

"Chester! Get your ass out here!"

Aaron sighed and I smiled, before leaning up and pecking him on the lips. "You better win this game." I whispered after pulling back. He smirked and got a quick kiss. "If I win, I better get a longer kiss than I just got."

I chuckled and pushed him away by the shoulders. "Maybe." He winked at me before picking up his helmet and sliding it over his head. He ran to the couch and thy soon resumed the game. Just as I had suspected, he got in the last minute.

I got back on the bleachers and Rachel smirked at me. "Well, well, well, looks like somebody is getting the big D." I rolled my eyes and sat beside her. "Please. I was just kissing him."

"Eating him, more like it."

I pushed her shoulder and she laughed. "Shut up, Rach. Me and him both just saved your ass. Be thankful."

"Oh I am. Thank you Jasp!" She yelled, throwing her arms around me. I smiled and hugged her. "Your welcome. But you need to promise me that you'll go to a doctor. Just to make sure or not. We don't need this spreading."

She looked sad as we pulled away, but she nodded "Promise."

"And you have to tell Shane," She shot her head up and opened her mouth to argue, but I put my hand over her mouth. "Either you tell him. Or I will. And he'll understand more if you tell him." She sighed and rubbed her face with her hands.


I smiled and hugged her again. "Great."

Aaron got the winning score. It was twenty to twenty and Aaron got the one last shot that won us the game. I was overthrown with happiness. Part of that from what he did earlier. I jumped off the bleachers and ran onto the field.

It was dark and the lights lit up the bright green football field. Aaron was at least fifty yards out. He was at first talking to his coach, but then he saw me. He smiled and pulled off his helmet. He didn't even finish taking it off before he ran towards me.

No matter how cliché this is, don't say anything.

Once we finally reached each other, he picks me up and kisses me, spinning me around like Dyson usually does. I smiled and kissed him back. I didn't care thy he was covered in sweat. I just wanted to kiss him.

That's all I ever want to do now.

His kisses, are breaking me. Digging deep into my soul and bringing out things I've never known to have. Like wanting things from Aaron that I've never wanted from anyone. And with each little things he does, it makes me want more. I want him... I want all of him.

..... Because I think I'm in love with him.

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