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"You're done." He made a motion with his hand pulling me into a clothing store. A worker came rushing towards us.

"Good afternoon Mr. Moretti! Can I get you a room?"

"Yes please! And she needs European vibe Summer clothes, entire outfits... like 24. No! 30... No! Wait. Just get her a new closet."

"Yes sir, we've just launched a new collection."

"I saw the magazine, can you bring me look 32, 63, and 84!" He squealed excitedly.

"On it." She said with a smile leading us to a large room that was in the back, there was black leather couches and racks of clothes already waiting in the room. Which Lu rushed to throwing clothes into my arms.

"What about this sir?"

"No orange washes her out. And that's fugly burn it."


"And this?" Another girl said smiling holding up a blue satin dress, holding it up to my figure. It was really pretty.

"What do you think?"

"I like it," I smiled feeling the soft fabric.

"Okay! perfect! Just throw it to the try on pile."

"Lu we really don't need to do this," I whispered as workers rushed around the room throwing clothes into piles and wheeling in new racks.

"Well this is the best I'm gunna get to spoiling the secret for you."

"Summer clothes?"

"Just relax and look around, if you like something throw it in the pile."

By this time Xerxes came back, "You better start putting stuff on for this to go faster," he leaned over and whispered.

"Oh!" I rushed over to the rack of the "try on clothes" that was starting to overfill. I flung off my summer dress that I was wearing  throwing it on the couch, luckily I was wearing small black spandex underneath, and a bra that wasn't too revealing.

A worker whose name I didn't fully catch unzipped the dress from hanger and held it for I to step into. I held his hand as I stepped in and he zipped it up.

I turned to Lu and he screamed a "Yes! Bag?" and I turned looking in the mirror at the light pink dress. It was really cute! I love it. Quickly another girl hand bags overfilling her arms and Lu plucked one up from her hands holding it to the dress then nodding.

"That works." He hummed.

Quickly the guy who helped me in the dress unzipped it and helped me into another outfit, this time a white flowy pair of pants and a small top that barely covered my chest, the under side of my boobs showing but supposedly that's how the top was supposed to be when I said I needed a few sizes up.

It was hours until we were finished.

The sun had already set and I wanted to go to Vince and lay in his arms as I quickly fell asleep. Tiredly I stumbled out of the store and the fresh air felt like I haven't breathed properly in hours.

All of my energy came back remembering that I was going to see Vince again. I pulled on Lu's arm as I walked to the next block over to the large black building.

"Slow down." He groaned tiredly.

Even though it was dark out, it looked as lively as ever, people still rushed around. I only received a few glances as the hoard of men still followed me around more closely then they did before in the less crowded street.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now