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Mmm, it's so warm. It's so peaceful. I feel safe.

I nudged my head deeper into the warmth, shifting my body deeper and wrapping my arms against whatever it was that was so comforting and soft. It felt perfect compared to the frigid air and wrapped around my body perfectly. I heard a deep chuckle, which made me freeze quickly forcing my eyes open and trying to sit up, but its arms were toned muscle wrapped around my waist. "You're okay Principessa".


"Did you sleep well?" he mused as I felt the arms that were wrapped around my waist holding me.  His gruff morning voice had made his Italian accent ever so thicker. It's so cute.

I tried to sit up nodding my head softly, "Mhm thank you". I shyly looked down suddenly feeling really hot and my cheeks feeling as though they were burning up, feeling it up into my ears. I tried to get up once more, which he was hesitant to then picked me up by the waist making me straddle his hips like I weighed nothing. oh my gosh.

I tried to get off, embarrassed by our position, but he just lightly slapped the side of my upper thigh causing a surge of heat to coursed through me again like last night making me repress a noise. His large hands covered most of my thighs, even though they were thick. I rested my hands on his stomach for balance, allowing me to feel the hardness of his toned abs, that I could feel through the thick hoodie he was wearing.

He settled his hands there at the sides of my thighs where they belonged, "Stop moving, so much" he groaned as he looked like he was upset. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, slightly squeezing my thighs. Am I too heavy? Does he not want me here? Well of course he doesn't want me here, I'm just bothering him by being here. Get off V! He doesn't want some random girl sitting on him!

"I'm sorry I could get off," I said quickly not wanting to make him upset. "No, stay" Vince responded firmly brushing a strand of my hair that had fallen on my face as I looked down. His fingertips brushed against my temple softly placing the hair behind my ear. His hand lingered for a bit before pulling it away. I caught a brief glimpse of his hand that was going back to my thighs, but I grabbed it. Holding the massive hand in my small ones.

There's blood. His knuckles were bloody.

My eyes widened "Are you okay? Does it hurt? Where are your bandaids?"

Of course, it hurts you dumb dumb! Why did you ask that?

Softly holding his big hands in my much smaller ones, grabbed the other one from my side. They were calloused and had tattoos complementing them. The blood on his knuckles was dry for the most part but still had some spots that were still bleeding and raw looking.

That has to hurt badly. I know I would be crying in pain. My nose got tingly tears threatening to spill. He's hurt.

"It's okay it doesn't hurt principesca " he responded nonchalantly, rubbing his thumb against my cheek. But I could see blood still seeping out, and it had to be wrapped. They luckily didn't look deep enough to need stitches. It looks bad. I felt sorry for him, he was hurt and there he was holding me like nothing ever happened. He's so strong, the strongest person I know. sorry lulu I giggled mentally.

"It could get infected, please tell me" I practically begged wincing at the pain he must be in moving his hands. He stared at me for a moment before sitting up, "It's in the cabinet under the sink in the bathroom in a white box that is on the left. The bathroom is that door right there" He pointed to a door across the room, and that's when I took the chance to get up from his lap. But his hands settled on my waist holding me in place, "please?" I begged placing a kiss on the hand that I was holding. His eyes softened stroking the sides of my waist.

I want to help him so badly, he must be in a world of pain that he got because of me. me.

"fine," he muttered lightly picking me up and placing me on the floor on my feet. I sent him a smile and walked over to the bathroom.

The sweatpants that I was wearing were barely hanging on my hips, I tried to tighten the inner draw stings as tightly as I could, but there was fabric blocking it not allowing me to tighten it anymore. It should be good enough. Beading down and grabbing the box from under the sink, was the last straw for the pants and they fell straight on the floor.


The hoodie was lucky long enough that it covered up to my upper thigh. It should be fine. I picked up the pants neatly folding them and bringing them back to see Vince sitting at the edge of the bed texting swiftly on his phone. His phone looked so tiny compared to his large frame and it made me let out a giggle. His head snapped towards my direction his eyes widening as his lips slightly parted taking a deep breath.

"They didn't fit right and fell," I pouted showing him the grey sweatpants in my hands. "I'll find you something else to wear." He said his voice gruff. "thank you." I smiled walking closer to him.

I started kneeling at the end of the bed but he pulled my hand picked me up and placed me on his lap once again to straddle his hips. Placing his phone back on the side table he gives me his hands.

"Please tell me if it hurts" I whispered already feeling bad about the soon to be issued pain. I know it hurts.

"You could never hurt me" he replied making me blush a deep red. Softly I pressed a swab to the dried blood cleaning up his dried-up blood. Then dabbing an alcohol wipe on the wound, blowing air to ease the pain as I disinfected the cut. He didn't wince or complain once as I finished cleaning the wounds and applied some anabiotic cream to them. I then grabbed some gauze to wrap his knuckles tightly.

"All better," I said looking up into his eyes to see that he was already looking at me. "Thank you" he replied as I smiled back, grabbing his hands to lightly kiss them. It's what my mother always does to my cuts. I pressed my lips to his hands making eye contact with him as I do, "Please try to be careful".  He held my cheek with his hand pulling me closer to his face, "But I want you to fix me" he whispered as I could feel his minty breath against my face. I blushed even deeper and looked down as he leaned closer, bringing my face toward his. I looked up into his eyes losing myself in the deep green shade they held. There were specks of brown in his eyes that made them look absolutely beautiful.

There was a sharp knock on the door, which made me abruptly stand up and take a step back. Making me dizzy and my head starts to pound.

"V! Vince! Food! Greenhouse, come on!". I immediately recognized the sound of Luca's voice and opened the door to see him with a grin on his face jumping up and down excited for food. My stomach growled at the mention of food, excited as well.

"I'm coming I'm coming, do you have a toothbrush I need to brush my teeth first?" I asked him he then nodded his head

"and you need pants girl it's cold outside," He said grabbing my hand and pulling me to walk into Vince's room through the door of the bathroom and went into a cabinet pulling out a toothbrush and toothpaste. "Here you can just use his toothpaste, and just leave the toothbrush in here."

"Are you sure he wouldn't mind" Luca looked at me like he was going to laugh, as Vince stood behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into him "I don't mind" he whispered in my ear.

Chills ran down my spine as he did taking a step out of his hold to brush my teeth. Luca at his point laughed looking at Vince hunched over slapping the counter, I ignored them knowing Luca would laugh at anything. I looked into the mirror noticing that my hair wasn't a total mess as it was in a pretty braid. Huh when did someone do that, I can't braid my hair for the life of me. Looking at my clothes, they were different from last night's. They were big and smelled like Vince. After I finished I walked over to the bedroom where Luca and Vince were talking in hushed tones, and once they saw me stopped talking.

"Here I brought you some on my sweats since Vince's ass is too big," Luca said laughing.

"That's mean lulu," I said taking the pants and slipping them on. They fit better and I didn't need to tie the waistband too much either.

"Come on! Let's go eat!" Luca started whining again pulling me with him.



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