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As I watched the buildings pass I asked "What kind of car is this?" He looked at me for a moment before saying "It's a Chiron Bugatti" I hummed slightly. "Do you like it?" I nodded my head with a grin. "It's beautiful"

"You're beautiful"

A blush spread across my cheeks and I smiled glancing at Vince before shoving my face to look down at our intertwined hands. Pulling in front of a large black building Vince parked before stepping out of the car. I looked up at the building and my eyes slightly widened at the sheer size of it. It took up the entirety of the city block and I couldn't even see the top of it when craning my neck all the way up.

Snapping me out of my oogling Vince opened the door for me, raising his brow slightly with a small smirk. His hand extended helping me out of the car, I quickly took it standing up.

"Is this where you work, it's huge?" I asked still staring at the building as Vince gave the car keys to a valet man. "Something like that," he responded with a smile.

The doorman quickly opened the door saying "Good morning Mr. Moretti" with a small bow. Vince inclined his head slightly holding my hand encouraging me to not hide behind his back like I was planning to do. Walking into the building I immediately felt self-conscious there were so many beautiful people dressed to the 10s. They were wearing expensive suits and dresses with heels, while I was just wearing a simple pair of leggings and boots.

Vince held my waist now as I looked at the intricate paintings that were hung up in the massive lobby. The chandelier was massive with gold detailed swirls and large crystals that hung from it. I noticed people staring at me in shock and curiosity as they cleared out of the way for Vince.

Why are people staring? I started to feel uncomfortable with all the looks tugging on the bottom hem of my turtleneck. We stepped into a private elevator and Vince pressed on floor 87 and scanned his thumb. Jeez loui. How many floors are there?

He pressed a couple of buttons before saying "Put your thumb here." He guided my thumb onto the scanner and I could feel a gentle rumble and heat before it beeped. "What was that for?"

"It gives security clearance to the whole building, you can go wherever you want now." Does that mean I have to go away? I don't want to go.

"Can I stay with you?" I asked desperately hoping that he would say yes.

"Of course principesca always. It's just in case you want to" I nodded my head laying my head on his hard chest, wrapping my arms around his waist, well the furthest that my arms could reach. While he held me closely rubbing circles on my back.

"I'm undressed" I pouted mumbling against Vince's chest almost falling over and standing on my tippy toes if he didn't have his hand wrapped around my waist.

"Principesca you can wear whatever you want," he said brushing a strand of hair behind my ear and leaning down.

"No, what if your boss sees or something and you get in trouble" I looked at him with wide eyes. What if he gets in trouble? Will he get fired just because of me? I'm probably not supposed to be here.

He smiled slightly letting out a small laugh, "Amore I own the building."

My eyes widened and my mouth fell open, I knew Luca had told me he owned businesses but I never would have thought that it would be a company to this capacity.

"Woah" I breathed while he let out a small chuckle pressing a kiss to the top of my nose then another on my cheek close to my lips. mmmm. He pressed his hands against my ears with slight pressure. "Your ears might hurt from the elevation, tell me if you get a headache."

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now