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It was Tuesday night and lulu and I were putting the history books back on the shelves. I was doing the books on the bottom 3 shelves as Luca did the top 3. He always complained about his back hurting when he had to bend to the bottom shelves, and I always need a step stool or bothering lulu for help getting to the top 3 shelves. But in my defense lulu had to go on his tippy toes to reach the very top one. I didn't mind bending down so the system worked for us.

"Sooo do you think I could come with you to the bakery tonight I have been dreaming about your mother," He's so weird, I giggled mentally. I knew exactly what he meant but I still had to mess with him. It wasn't unusual for him to say this, he said it almost every other day.

"That's weird Luca" I laughed out loud.

"Her coffee cake muffins keep me up at night, my mouth is dripping thinking about them. AND the coffee oh my gosh". He hummed bringing a book up the shelf but stopping halfway to make a dramatic moaning sound. They were truly amazing and to top it off during the colder season she would add an extra drizzle of frosting on the top to get everyone in the "holiday spirits". 

"I can bring you some tomorrow, if you want", remembering that I have to go there tomorrow too.

"Naurrrrrr I want now" He leaned his back on the cart moaning again throwing his hand over his forehead. "Uhg the way that they just melt in my mouth and are so soft but the top ends have a bit of a crunch and the extra frosting."

"Fine. But no promises they haven't run out yet."

"She would never run out for me." Luca whipped his head offended that I could ever make such an assumption.

I shrugged "Who knows maybe a coffee cake muffin lover came by today and ate all of them".

"Then I would stick my hand down his throat, scope it out, then shove it up so far their ass they can taste it again."


Why must I have that image in my head, now out of all times? That has to hurt.

"That's unsanitary and we both know that you would be complaining about scrubbing your hands for the next week". Lulu looked dead into my eyes and licked the back of his hand. Then thrust his hand in my direction to try to touch me.


I jumped out of my crouched position and bolted to the other side of the library and ran up the stairs, I stumbled on a few steps but used my hands to lift myself back up and push forward. My heart already thumping from adrenaline, I do not want to be touched by his icky hand.

Only briefly did I look back to see nasty icky Luca only an arm's distance away and Mr. Stewart look up shake his head then went back to the book he was reading. why didn't he help me!

I finished running up the stairs and took a sharp left to run straight into a solid concrete pillar.

An actual pillar, not a metaphorical pillar that was some sort of barrier but an actual pillar that left blood on it from where I had slammed my nose into. I stumbled back almost falling on the floor if it wasn't for someone who had wrapped their arms around my waist catching me from falling.

"Cazzo, how are you principesca? Let me see, please."

My heart thumped loudly in my chest as I knew exactly who it was. Vince. I hadn't seen him since the afternoon before we had left for the mall. When we got back Marco had said that Vince and Aless had an emergency that was work-related and that he would be gone for the rest of the week. I didn't even have a chance to thank him, and I have been thinking about him every day since.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now