"I kissed a girl!" Sokka protested. "You just...haven't met her."

"Who?" Katara teased. "Mom? I've met Mom."

"Don't be so mean to Sokka," Rina said. "He's been kissed by a girl."

"Yeah. Suki. She kissed me," Sokka said quickly. "Back on Kyoshi. Remember her? I want to go back after the war."

"Suki kissed you?" Rina asked. "I was talking about the girl back in the Southern Water Tribe. Rannae, I think."

"Yeah, Rannae! That was who I was talking about!"

"I've met Rannae."

Sokka scowled. "What, it's not like you've ever been kissed by anyone."

"Haru looked like he was considering it," Rina pointed out.

"Well, I'm not going to get my first kiss here," Katara said. "I mean, unless Rina kisses me or something."

Rina squeaked, a blush tinging her cheeks. "Zuko would kiss you before I would."

"See what I mean?"

They walked in silence. "I wonder if Zuko is a good kisser," Katara finally said, just to break it.

"Kiss him and find out. Next time he tries to capture you or something, kiss him, and he'll be too confused to finish capturing you," Rina suggested.

Sokka gagged. "Rina, please kiss Katara before she kisses Zuko. Don't let her waste her first kiss on that jerkbender."

Rina was saved from having to reply when she tripped over another tree root. "Ugh. Stupid roots. How do people go anywhere without a flying bison?"

"I don't know," Katara said. "Ask Sokka's instincts. They seem to know everything."


"I'm tired of carrying my pack."

"You know who should carry it? Sokka's instincts!"

"Ooh, before you kiss Zuko, why don't you kiss Sokka's instincts?"

Sokka growled as he pushed aside branches and then turned to face Katara and Rina. "I get it, guys, I'm tired too, but the important thing is, we're safe from the-"

He turned to see what Katara and Rina were staring at. "...Fire Nation."

An entire camp full of Fire Nation soldiers was staring back at them, and Katara quickly fixed her face into an expression that hopefully said 'nothing to see here. I'm not the Avatar, and I definitely wasn't talking about kissing the fire prince!'

"RUN!" Sokka yelled. This snapped the soldiers out of their daze, and they drew their swords. One soldier with a single eye took a firebending stance. His burst of fire missed, but hit the bushes behind them. Sokka screamed as his tunic caught ablaze.

Katara bent the fire off his tunic and swirled it around her. Maybe if she just pretended she was an ordinary firebender who got lost in the woods-

"If you let us go, I promise not to hurt you," Sokka said.

"What are you doing?" Rina hissed.


The firebender cackled. "You? Promise not to hurt us?"

There was a zipping sound and a thud. A look of surprise overtook the firebender's face before he collapsed to the ground.

"Nice work, Sokka," Rina whispered. "How did you do that?"


"Look!" Katara pointed to the trees, where a figure stood. He pulled out two blades and leapt down from the branch he was standing on. Rather than just fall, his blades caught on a branch, slinging him in the direction of the camp, allowing Katara a good look at their rescuer.

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