Looma (Ben 10)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

[U/N] = Uncle Name

: = Dialogue

Now let the story begin.

[Y/N] : If I somehow make it out of this alive, I'm gonna kill you Ben!

19 year old [Y/N] shouts at his friend as he dodges the attacks of Princess Looma, a Tetramand from the planet Khoros.

Why are they fighting? Well...


[Y/N] : You want me to what?!

Ben : Just hear me out dude. Looma is here looking for a husband, and since I do not want any part of that, you are the next best choice.

[Y/N] : So you're pimping me out to an alien princess?!

??? : Calm down [Y/N], there's no need to get upset.

The two turn to see [Y/N]'s Uncle [U/N], a member of the Plumbers, stepping into the room.

[Y/N] : How can you say that Uncle?! I'm being told that I have to marry someone I don't even know! What is this, a Disney movie?!

[U/N] : [Y/N], please understand that if you don't do this, the Tetramands will launch an attack against Earth.

[Y/N] : I get that, but-

Ben : Dude, I know you're mad, but why don't you meet Looma and see what you think of her?

[U/N] : That's a good idea there Tennyson. Who knows [Y/N], you might really like her.

[Y/N] : ........fine. What's the worst that could happen?

Flashback End

Looma : You're pretty quick on your feet for a human, I'm impressed.

[Y/N] : Thanks, and you're a lot stronger than any Tetramand I've met.

She blushed slightly from his compliment before going into a fighting stance.

Looma : Save the flattery for later beloved, that is...if you can even defeat me!

The four-armed warrior dashes at [Y/N], ready to deliver a series of punches.

[Y/N], being exceptionally skilled in martial arts, gets into position as the princess makes her move.

As she goes to punch him, he grabs one of her arms and flips her, causing her to land on the ground and look at him in disbelief.

Looma : That maneuver! You somehow managed to overpower me. I'm quite impressed.

[Y/N] : Heh. Thank you. I've been practicing since I was a kid.

He smiles and helps her up, making her blush once again.

The Tetramand princess clears her throat before addressing her onlooking people.

Looma : This fight need not continue, for I have been satisfied by this human's combat prowess!

She looks at [Y/N] with a small smile.

Looma : Tell me, what is your name human?

[Y/N] : I-it's [Y/N]. [Y/N] [L/N].

Looma : Well then [Y/N] [L/N], you have proven yourself worthy to be my husband!

She pulls [Y/N] into a tight hug and kisses him, causing him to blush deeply as the Tetramands cheer.

After breaking out of Looma's grasp, [Y/N] is approached by [U/N] and Ben.

[U/N] : Great job [Y/N], I'm proud of you!

Ben : Soooo can I be your best man?

[Y/N] glares at Ben before rushing at him, causing the Omnitrix wielder to take off in fear.


Despite being against the idea of getting married at first, the more [Y/N] got to know Looma, he found himself genuinely falling in love with her.

[Y/N] : Do we really have to be apart for 3 years Looma?

He asks his fiancé with sadness in his voice.

Looma : Oh I don't want to be away from you either my beloved, but it's tradition. A Tetramand and their fiancé must be separated for 3 years before the wedding. I'll miss you greatly, but we can at least keep in contact with each other. What is that thing you humans use? FaceTime?

[Y/N] : I guess, but talking to you isn't the same as actually being with you.

Looma smiles sadly as she picks up her fiancé and cradles him in her arms, a gesture [Y/N] admittedly really likes.

Looma : Don't be sad [Y/N], I promise we'll contact each other every day.

[Y/N] : Alright. I love you Looma.

Looma : I love you too [Y/N].

The two share a loving kiss before she boards her ship and heads back to Khoros.

[Y/N] : This is gonna be a long 3 years.

He sighs as his Uncle pats him on the back.

[U/N] : Chin up [Y/N], those 3 years will fly by before you know it.

3 years later...

Getting told by Looma that her ship is about ready to land, [Y/N] runs out of his house and waits in anticipation.

Seeing this, his Uncle chuckles at his nephew's excitement.

[U/N] : Look at you, you're happier than a Nosedeenian at a power plant!

[Y/N] : I just can't wait to see here again! We'll finally be together again after 3 years!

[U/N] : And yet you were the one against getting married to Looma back then, funny how you did a complete 180.

[Y/N] : What can I say? I fell in love with her Uncle [U/N].

His uncle smiles and playfully ruffles his nephew's hair.

[U/N] : I know you did. It makes me happy that you found someone you feel that way about.

[Y/N] : Thanks Uncle.

The Tetramand ship lands as Looma quickly exits.

Looma : Where is my beloved?!

[Y/N] : Looma!

Their eyes meet as the two run at each other and embrace.

Looma : I missed you!

[Y/N] : I missed you too!

Looma : Now the wedding preparations can begin! Are you ready to spend the rest of your life with me my beloved?

[Y/N] : After being away from you for so long, definitely. I love you Looma.

Looma : I love you too [Y/N].

The two share a passionate kiss, both eager to finally tie the knot.

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