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Everyone started showing up and setting up camp around my packland.  Hortencia returned with her coven and they cast spells to cloak the incampments.  Every pack was assigned a witch most from Hortencia's coven but there were some from all the other covens.  The witches that were left behind due to age were all moved to one location in case the opposing faction made it to their realm.  

The fairies set up areas to grant my followers their hidden powers.   Everyone was warned that it would be a jolt to their system when their power was awakened.  They were even told if they used the power against our faction they would be punished by said power.   We did not warn them that if they were not pure of heart in following me they would not receive their power.  

What I didn't know was that the area would light up as each person received their power.  If they were granted a power a bright yellow ring would form around them.  If they were not granted power then nothing. Due to this last precaution, we found several spies in our mists.  They were detained and led to the cells that were surrounded by wolfsbane, silver, iron, bronze, and platinum.  Each precious metal blocked mind links from all the beings.

 Once everyone was cleared we had a huge banquet so everyone could get to know each other to allow us to know who was on our side.  The next day all the Alpha's and their commanding lines met up to discuss strategy and training.  I had to agree that we all needed to make sure we could work together and learn from each other.

One of the many decisions was to send all my non-combatants to the retirement village which not only had the protective spell around it but now also had a cloaking spell.  Several witches took off to the other packs and added the same protection to them to protect every pack of non-combatants.  We were assured that all beings had some type of protection for their citizens.  I was relieved that they were all safe.  No need to lose the lives of individuals who were not able to fight.  Not everyone is a fighter.  Yes, we train all our pack members to fight to protect themselves but not all are born fighters.

Once all safety concerns were in order we started training.  We only had three days but everyone had already been trained.  This was more to help us work together as one unit.  I learned through Tom that everyone would have mastered their power since they were all granted a power I had already mastered.  It was just a matter of getting them to use it without fear.

So, the first day was working on our powers.  I was worried at first about the other faction knowing that everyone had a power but Hortencia assured me that we would not be seen.  I found out later in the day the little devil put a cloaking spell on our training grounds.  All anyone would see is us fighting hand to hand.  Now I understood why the Goddess chose her to be our trainer.

Everyone took to their powers immediately and it was fun watching them enjoy using them.  The second and third day was just practicing different ways to defeat our enemies.  As for the day before the battle we all took that time to relax and be with our family.  Even though Tom said we would win and not lose anyone I could not be sure and didn't want anyone to have regrets.


I hated doing this but I had to so I could protect my pack and family.  I can not believe that this idiot is so power hungry he has hurt not only himself but also his mate.  Yep, here he is acting like Alpha Katrina is power-hungry and took a chosen mate because she didn't want Wiliam to be named Alpha.  Little does everyone know that he has been cheating on his mate.  I still can hear the screams from his poor mate.


Looking around as I walk through the woods I can't help but hope that Alpha Katrina and my family will forgive me for turning rogue and helping the opposing faction.  "AHHHHHH PLEASE STOP.  AHHHHHHHHHHHHH"  Turning my head I follow the sound to a small house with bars on the windows and a padlock on the door.  The screaming only gets louder so I look inside the window and see a woman withering in pain.  By the bruises that appear on her skin, I know her mate is cheating.  I hear her reject her mate but the pain continues.  

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