16. FEAR

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 "Yep, they took advantage...I listened to the rest of the story and when his majesty said that William would forcibly mark me, Tristan roared and started to shake.  I wrapped my arms around him begging him to calm down but it wasn't working.  His brother Alpha Johnathan had wandered in and pulled me from him in time before he shifted.  Standing before me was a silver wolf and he started growling at Alpha Johnathan.  He instantly let me go "Rudy calm down I only grabbed her because you were starting to shift and I know you would never forgive yourself if you hurt her.  Remember I have Sarah and I am not interested nor have I ever been interested in anyone other than my true mate.  

I looked around as I heard Ash in my head "let me shift.  I will try to calm him down."  "What why couldn't I calm down Tristan."  "Rudy is upset another wolf wants to mark us.  He probably wants to stay in his form to protect us."  "Ok. but no funny business."  Before we could shift I heard his Majesty "Future Alpha Katrina you need to shift and try and have your wolf calm down his wolf.  He is in fight mode to protect his mate from another wolf claiming what is his.  Plus he knows that now that you both know your mates and the bond has started to form you could die if another wolf marks you."  I nod my head and let Ashley take over.


As Trin lets me take over I move to Rudy and rub my body against his and let him inhale our scent.  I smelt Tom and the rest run in and I could hear Manny speaking to me as Rudy growls every time Tom tries to come near us.  "Ashley are you two ok.  Tom is freaking out."  "Yes, unfortunately, he was reminded about what William wants to do and he lost it.  You guys need to stay away.  Right now I don't think he will care that we are brother and sister Manny."  "Ok, sis be careful."  I continue to rub my head along his body and I feel him slowly calm down.  It was hard since Trina was terrified that William would find us and forcibly mark us.  Since even though we have not mated or accepted each other our bond is strong and we can feel each other's emotions.  

As Rudy and I cuddle together I keep an eye on Tom hoping he will not approach us since Rudy is still on edge when I hear him speak.  "Hey, maybe we should all leave.  Manny told me that Ashley is trying to calm him down but right now Rudy is not taking us being here very well. Especially those of us that are unmated. "  "What do you mean?"  "I guess their bond is forming faster than expected since she can feel Rudy's emotions and they are in fight mode.  He is not going to relax until he feels there isn't a threat to Triny and Ashley."  Willie nods his head "ok, guys let's go.  I know we can all feel Trina is upset but it is now Rudy and Tristan's job to take care of her feelings." I couldn't help but thank Manny and it wasn't long before I watched them all leave the room. 

Alpha Johnathan was reluctant to leave "Beta Tom I am sorry I can't leave my brother and future sister-in-law in this state.  What if he hurts her?"  Tom snorted "dude Triny and Ashley can take care of themselves remember they are an Alpha and were trained as such.  Triny has taken down Alpha Xavier multiple times."  "Wait she is the she-wolf he is afraid of."  Tom snorted "yep, not only because she can beat him but she can out-prank him any day of the week."  Alpha Johnathan nodded and soon followed out closing the door behind them leaving us alone with our mate.  I don't know how long we were laying cuddled together before I drifted off to sleep.


I hated leaving them alone since I wasn't sure what Beta Tristan/Rudy would do but Manny was adamant that Ashley wanted to be left alone with them.  Alpha Johnathan was reluctant but knowing that they could take care of themselves he followed us out.   "Beta Tom, are you sure?  If he hurts her Tristan will..."  "Calm down Alpha Johnathan.  I would never leave my Alpha/Bestie in a situation where she could be hurt.  Plus believe me, Manny would never put them in danger."  "Why would your wolf even care other than she is his Alpha?"  I chuckled "you forgot.  Remember Ashley is his sister."  "Oh, that is right.  Well, I am not leaving this hall in case she needs help."  I laughed "duh, none of us are.  We just wanted to get all the unmated males out of the room so he calms down."

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