8. WHAT?

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All of us went to our own training classes and Maggie was not happy that she could not go with Tom.  Elder Brandon explained to her that she was heading to the Beta Female/Male Training.  I moved to my Alpha training.  While there we were all reminded that the spells that were surrounding the camp prevented anyone from entering without being led in by the leaders of the camp as well as preventing us from mind-linking.  The reason for blocking the link is to teach us to read each other's body language in case we lose the link.  Future Alpha Mortimer from the Gleaming Sun Pack raised his hand and asked "Is it true that if you are under a fake mate bond the spells will reverse it."  Elder Brandon looked around and nodded "Yes, and No.  If both individuals are here it will cancel out the spell.  If only one of the pair is here it won't work until the mated pair look into each other's eyes again."  I looked around when Mortimer asked again "what if the individual that had the spell cast were to cast it again."  "Why do you ask Future Alpha Mortimer?" 

He looked around and gulped "I am a hybrid Elder Brandon.  I am a half-werewolf and half-warlock as many of you know.  My mother is the Alpha of the Gleaming Sun Pack and my father was a warlock."  "Ok, please continue."  "One of my gifts from my warlock side is to see spells that have been cast on an individual."  "Ok, are you trying to say there is someone here that has been put under a spell?"  "Yes, but I will not divulge who they are at this time."  "Why not?"  "I do not want to hurt the individuals involved."  "I can understand what you are saying."  While Mortimer was speaking I felt a pain in my chest and let out a scream.  I tried clawing at my chest when several wolves descended on me holding me down.  


We were in the middle of class when one of the Future Alphas came barreling into the Beta training class yelling I need the Future Beta of The Lone Star Pack."  I jump up "what is going on?"  "There is something wrong with your Alpha."  I take off running and make my way into the Alpha training room and see six guys holding down Trina.  She is screaming and tears are streaming down her face.   I run to her and place my hand on her cheek "Little Alpha come on breathe through this.  You are strong there is nothing that can hurt you.  You have this Little Alpha.  I brush her hair from her face and look around "get Maggie here now."  I yell out to the room and continue to brush Trina's hair from her face.  "Come on Little Alpha we all need you."  Her body soon goes slack and she whimpers out "why Tommy am I not good enough?"  I watch her eyes roll back in her head and growl.  

I hear Maggie come in yelling my name and I turn on her "TELL ME THE TRUTH NOW!!!"   She backed up and started whimpering "I knew she would poison you against me."  I laugh "REALLY.  LOOK AT HER SHE TRIED TO CLAW AT HER OWN CHEST.  EVERYONE HERE KNOWS THAT THIS IS A REACTION TO A MATE MATING WITH SOMEONE ELSE."  I watch her gulp looking around.  Elder Brandon walks up "Future Beta Thomas how would she know what Future Alpha Katrina's mate is up to?"  I look around and take a deep breath "Because Alpha William is supposed to be Trina's mate and Maggie here is his sister.  Katrina started feeling suspicious as to how we were mated to siblings."  "See she just wants you for herself."  

I growl "I have told you this already our wolves are siblings.  There is no way we are mates.  To be honest, since we arrived the mate bond seems to be fading."  She looks around and gulps as the other Alphas move in around us.   I glare at them when I notice they are trying to make sure that Maggie is not close to Trina while the doctors take her to the medical facility.  I turn to follow when a guy steps forward "Let me explain what I think is happening first before you follow your Alpha Beta Thomas.  I know they will not let you in the room till she wakes."  

I nod my head "I am Future Alpha Mortimer of the Gleaming Sun Pack.  I should let you know I am a Werewolf and Warlock hybrid."  I look at him and nod "ah so you are the one that Alpha Xavier has talked about."  He looks around "I guess I should let the cat out of the bag.  Alpha Xavier didn't trust Alpha William.  There were too many holes in his story about his mate rejecting him.  Plus he found out recently that Alpha William's first mate has found her second chance mate."

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