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 I blush and just as I was about to tell him about the pact the door slams open and in walked Alpha Xavier with his hand over his eyes saying "nope, Triny you are not losing your virginity tonight.  Now put your clothes back on and you two have to wait until the mating ceremony.  There is no way I am letting you break the pact this close to the finish line.  Also, I want to make sure this one isn't an asshole like Jonathan.  Besides remember you still have to go to training and the last thing you or your mate will want is you going into heat around all those wolves."  I chuckle "DAMN IT XAVY WE ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING AND THANK YOU FOR LETTING MY MATE KNOW ABOUT OUR DAMN PACT AND OTHER PERSONAL MATTERS."  Alpha Xavier removes his hand from his eyes and looks around "oh, well when Tom told me you were in your room with Alpha William and that he was your mate I thought..."  

I smack Xavier upside the head "you are terrible."  William laughs "Xavier, You mean to tell me that Katrina here was part of the pact you made when you were a kid."  "Yep, she saw how a bunch of wolves started sleeping around and she was not happy about it especially since we all kept telling her she had to save herself for her mate.  She glared at us and actually told all of us only if you all do as well.  We all had to agree because she would go out of her way to make us either believe she slept around or would actually do it."  I glared at him "you are so dead."  I look around my room and grab my tennis racket "ANNA I AM KILLING YOUR MATE!!!"  It was then I noticed that Tom had returned and was trying not to laugh.  Should have known he set up poor Xavier.  "SORRY TRINY PLEASE DON'T HURT ME REMEMBER I HAVE A PUP ON THE WAY ANNA IS GOING TO NEED ME."

William laughs and pulls me against him taking the racket out of my hand.  "OK, why don't we let Xavier leave so we can finish our talk."  I look at him and nod.  I look at Tom and Xavier taking a deep breath and nod.  Tom looks at William and all he does is smile at Tom "I got this."  Tom nods and leaves the room after giving me a big hug.  Xavier pulls me against him and whispers in my ear "he won't reject you."  I look up at him and wiggle my finger and he just chuckles as he bends down "are you sure?"  "yes."

I watch him leave the room closing the door.  William walks over to me grabbing my hand before leading me to my tv area pulling me down onto my sofa and making sure we are facing each other.  "Look there will be some elders upset about having a female Alpha but they will have to accept you.  I am not going to reject you now that I have you."  I look up at him "really?"  "Yes really.  Now, what exactly happened when you were rejected."  After I explained everything to him about Genevive and Johnathan he shook his head.  "I heard about them but didn't realize that it was you baby."  I smiled really big "so you are accepting me."  He nods his head "yes, I Alpha William Mcdonald of Moonbeam pack accept you Future Alpha Katrina Maria Garza of the Lone Star Pack."  I hug him close and snuggle into his chest.  

I feel his chest vibrate as he purrs before he clears his throat.  I pull away and look up at him and see him cock an eyebrow.  I shake my head "oops sorry.  I Future Alpha Katrina Maria Garza of the Lone Star Pack accept you Alpha William Mcdonald of the Moonbeam pack."  "That is much better.  So I take it you have not attended Alpha training?"  "Yeah, I was waiting to find my mate.  I did plan on leaving after Johnathan rejected me but Xavier convinced me to wait for Tom."  "That was a good idea.  Attending Training with your Beta will help you two become closer."  I laughed "I doubt Tom and I can be any closer."  "Really?"  "Yes, we have been together since diapers."  

I watch him fidget "uhm, have you two..."  I laugh "ah hell no that is just gross.  Plus remember three things."  "What are those three things?"  "One we have the pact to save ourselves for our mates, two we both talked about maybe giving each other our first kiss and one of the cons was with him being my Beta we knew our mates would not appreciate that.  As for the third one I didn't find out about that one until three months ago."  "Oh, the fact your wolves are siblings."  "Yep, that is the one."  "Ok, good to know.  Now I should let you know that you are also my second chance mate."  I nod my head "Yeah, my dad did mention something about you being rejected."

Ok her name was Morgana Garcia from the Redblood pack.  She didn't know I was the Alpha of the Moonbeam pack.  Even though she had accepted the mate bond when her Alpha approached her to share his bed she jumped at the chance.  As you know I felt them together and found her riding him yelling that he was the best she ever had.  I knew that she was not pure but she was my goddess-given mate and I was not going to hold that against her.  Yet finding her ridding my good friend I couldn't let that slide."  "Wait he was your friend."  "Yep, I found out much later he set her up."  "What do you mean?"  "See since she didn't know I was Alpha..."  "Wait you said she accepted the bond."  "She did but we hadn't formally accepted the bond.  I was just getting ready to formally accept her when her Alpha Ralph called her over."  I nodded "Ok."  

"Well I didn't realize at the time but Ralph asked her to share his bed and let her believe she would become his Luna.  Granted he never promised her that he would make her his Luna.  He just told her that he needed her.  Why she believed he would make her his Luna is beyond me.  It was men like Ralph that probably is the reason Xavier made you promise to save yourself for your mate."  "Wait you mean that Alpha Ralph."  "Yes, why do you know him."  "Well yeah, I met him through Xavier.  I do know he asked Xavy for my phone number."  William growled and I instantly sat in his lap snuggling into his chest "calm down Xavy would never give out my phone number without my permission and definitely not to a man whore."

He eventually takes a deep breath "well, when I growled she glanced over her shoulder and told me what do you expect he is an Alpha unlike you so "I Morgana Garcia of the Redblood Pack reject you, William Mcdonald of the Moonbeam Pack as my mate." I felt her end of the bond snap and raised my head glaring "I Alpha William Mcdonald of the Moonbeam Pack accept your rejection Morgana Garcia of the Redblood pack."  There she was still sitting on Ralph yelling you never told me you were an Alpha.  The sad part was when Ralph lifted her up off of him and told her to get out."  She pouted "but I am going to be your Luna."  Ralph threw his head back and laughed "yeah, right.  I know you only want to be mated to an Alpha and there was no way I was going to let you use William in that way.  I heard you tell your friends that you would have him wrapped around your finger and sleep around even if it hurt him."

I shook my head "seriously."   "Yep, she expected me to stay faithful to her why she cheated on me?  The look on her face when she realized Ralph set her up was priceless.  She glared at him yelling at him that he made her lose her mate.  Ralph shook his head "no I did not.  I never commanded you to my bed.  I simply told you that you were hot and I wanted you to ride me.  I never promised you would become my Luna and I even asked you if William was your mate and you told me no."  I shook my head "so, similar to mine without the whole trying to kill you."  "Well...she did report Ralph and me to the council hoping she would be given both packs and that Ralph and I would be executed.  Yet when the investigation was finished they found out that the only person that knew Ralph's plan was his beta.  Plus there were people around that heard Ralph ask if I was her mate and her tell him no."  "What happened to her?"  "She was sent to a rehabilitation school.  She should be out soon."  "Oh." 

I hang my head "oh, wait baby girl you will not lose me.  We have formally accepted each other plus I went and saw her a year ago and the bond was no longer there.  To be sure that once she was finished with her rehabilitation she would no longer be my mate I sent for an Oracle and she confirmed that our bond was indeed broken."  "Good because now you are mine."  "Uhm Katrina I think we should return to the party."  "Why?"  "Let's just say if we don't return to the party in a month's time I might end up killing a bunch of wolves including Tom."  I gulp "Ok let's go."   We make our way downstairs and Tom raises his eyebrows at me while holding Brenda "William is afraid he might mark and mate me.  He told me if we didn't come down here in a month's time he might end up killing a bunch of wolves including you."  "Oh, yeah.  I can't even mark Maggie because even though she would be with me they do not want us mating there."  We both laugh and William looks at me "what is so funny?"  

"Just talking to Tom."  He nods his head and the two of us continue to enjoy the rest of the night.  I knew that the day after tomorrow Tom and I were off to training with Maggie at our side.  Luckily for William, he didn't have to go since he had been to the training facility back when he was eighteen.  Yep, if I had not found my mate I would still have to go to training no matter what.  The rest of my commanding line were on their way to their training facility so for the next month it was just going to be me, Tom, and Maggie, oh what fun.

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