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This time meeting Hortencia I understood what she meant by her home only being visible if she wanted it noticed.  Turns out that she lives in a parallel universe that most of the witches fled to during the witch trials.  She explained in detail when I stumbled upon her home in my territory.  It looked exactly the same as before.  

Since Lucinda and I had already mastered water Hortencia decided to train me and Manuel in air.  Her reasoning was that when we practiced water we could also practice air to dry everything around us.  Hortencia explained that even on a still day we can conjure wind since there is always air around us.  

I looked at Tristan and blew him a kiss while imagining him flying.  Sure enough, a gust of wind hit him but he didn't move.  I frowned "Dang I really thought that would work."  Hortnecia chuckled "Alpha Katrina it is because subconsciously you do not want to hurt your mate.  Yes, you drenched him in water before but that didn't hurt him.  Exactly what were you thinking the air was going to do to him?"  I chuckled "Throw him."  

"That is why it didn't work.  Throwing your mate would hurt him.  Try again and maybe do not try to throw someone."  I nodded and decided to drench everyone then proceeded to use air to dry them off.  I jumped around when it worked.  Manuel looked at Hortencia who nodded "Yes, you can try now Manuel."  He looked at Lucinda who drenched everyone and he dried them off.  He even went further and lifted a boulder and thew it across the way.

Next came Earth and boy was that fun making things grow up from the ground.  I could even cause the ground to shake.  I had noticed that Hortencia's roof needed fixing and since all the materials were made from Earth I had Tom fix her roof.  He was confused as to why I was asking him to use Earth.  I just chuckled "Tom you are the level-headed one and help keep me grounded.  

It only took Tom about two minutes to fix Hortnecia's roof and he even went a step further and made her home bigger and stronger.  She looked at us "You did not need to do that."  Tom just smiled "It is our way of thanking you for helping us master the elements.  It is obvious you are only here to let us know if we do something wrong.  Since it seems Trina can sense how to use her powers.  The only reason you had to help her with air was because she forgot that she couldn't use her powers on her mate unless he betrayed her."  Hortencia nodded "Well actually none of you can use your powers on your mates unless you're betrayed."

I looked at Lucinda "Be ready next is fire."  She nodded "Why can't you use water to put out the fire?"  "I want to master fire before I try to use all the elements one after the other."  She nodded as I set a patch of grass on fire by shooting flames from my hands.  Lucinda immediately put it out.  I then surrounded us with a wring of fire and put it out without using water.  I noticed that the fire I threw out was red and the one that surrounded us was blue and didn't burn the ground.  

I glanced at Hortencia and she looked stunned "I can't believe you already mastered the offensive and defensive variations of fire.  The red stream that left burn marks is your offensive fire and the blue ring that didn't leave any trace is your defensive fire.  Now William it is your turn."  William nodded and sent a red flame out of his hand and lit the ground on fire and Lucinda instantly put it out.  He then used the blue fire and cast a ring around us and put it out himself.  

Lucinda looked at me now you need to practice using all four elements together, Alpha Katrina.  I nodded and threw a protective ring around Hortencia's house and my commanding line.  I threw out the burning fire and used air to make it move away from us.  I then used earth to contain it in the area I wanted and immediately doused it with water.  Once I was done I dropped the protective ring and looked at Hortencia.

"Very good Alpha Katrina.  I can see that you knew exactly what needed to be done and thank you for protecting my home.  I didn't think about what could happen if you could not control the fire."  I laughed "Well I didn't want anyone to get hurt or for you to lose your home."   She smiled at me "Well it is now time for me to return home until the big battle.  Don't worry you will have help from all the factions.  There are more on your side than you realize.  Goodbye."  "Thank you Horntencia and goodbye."

It wasn't long before we made our way to The Dark Woods Pack to speak with Future Alpha Anthony.  The best thing was that several of The Dark Woods Pack members were at my birthday celebration and knew about Johnathan.  Not to mention that Anthony's Beta Brian was at training and knew what really happened with William.  There were members that had heard what William had been spreading so Anthony and his father held a pack meeting and explained everything.  Alpha Aaron explained that he had talked to my father about letting me be Alpha and he encouraged him to progress with the times.

The members that were there told everyone that Genevive had told Johnathan that Tom was the Alpha and I was a rank climber trying to mate with him.  So, after seeing me and knowing I was his mate Johnathan decided to have sex with Genevive and then reject me.  Beta Brian explained how another Alpha noticed I was under a spell and that it was a fake mate bond spell so William was never my mate.

Tristan then stepped forward and explained how he was my Goddess-given mate.  I then explained how Tristan and I have been mates since our first life what Genevive and William had done in a previous life and how they will not be reincarnated as punishment.

Little did I know that Anthony had decided to livestream the meeting and had his Gama Diego tag all the future and current Alpha's in the stream.  This made it so I did not have to go to any other pack to explain what was going on.  When I returned to my pack my father let me know that he had received numerous calls from other Alpha's stepping up to support me.  Hortencia had been keeping an eye out for information on me and tagged the head of all the covens in the video.

Little did  I know there were members of all the factions snooping around to find out what was really going on so the video reached more people than anticipated, especially since Gama Diego also posted it so all could see.  Before you ask yes there is a part of the deep web that only the supernatural can access.  So, there is little to no chance humans will see the video.

It was at this point the faires stepped forward with the second part of the prophecy.  Their Queen Jessica scared the crap out of me when she appeared in the middle of our training field while I was sparing with Alpha Anthony.  Anthony decided to come over and train since he heard that I was a tough partner.  Even he almost decked her majesty.

Since her Majesty had arrived Anthony excused himself and took his pack home so I could have my unexpected meeting with the Queen.  She handed me the prophecy and explained that first they were not sure it was about me and second I was not to relieve it until after I had all my powers. 

According to the prophecy once I find my supporters it will unlock powers in all of them.  If they betray me and use their powers against me it will backfire and burn them to a crisp.  If the fae, angles, or any being covered by these two factions goes against me they will become powerless.  I nodded and looked at her "So, I take it this is why you were protecting the prophecy."  She nodded "Yes, the angels are too busy protecting the humans to have been able to keep an eye on the prophecy."

She jumped when Tristan came running in "We only have a week to be ready.  We need to call everyone to get here now."  Her Majesty looked at me "I will prepare my beings and warn the Angels.  The Angels will take care of the demons."  I nodded and smiled thinking of everyone who supports me I sent out a mind link and let them know to be at my pack as soon as possible that the battle would start in one week."

Her Majesties eyes bugged out "You really are the being meant to unite us.  Even I heard the mind link."

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