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Unknown POV

I decided to head over to the lake that we share with Alpha Mortimers pack so I could sit and think about what is going on around me when I heard two wolves running towards the lake. I watched as a guy and a girl walked out. I was getting ready to leave when the most intoxicating scent hit me. I gasped knowing that I had found my second chance mate. I listened to the two of them and I felt myself stiffen when he wrapped his arms around her holding her close. I was getting really upset about another male holding my mate. Ralph my wolf kept telling me to calm down and give her a chance. I was not going to let her know I was around because there was no way I would be rejected by yet another rank climber.

I had just started to turn when I saw him kiss the crown of her head and heard a low growl. Before I could process what was happening a she-wolf came out and attacked. I was on the verge of shifting to protect my mate when she reached out and pinned the she-wolf by the neck holding her down. The guy started growling at her and that is when her voice finally hit me "Tom give me your shirt now and turn around." He growled at her causing her to glare at him "Unless you want me to cut off your balls I suggest you stop growling at me. I think I know who this is but I doubt she is ready to have you see her naked plus the gang is here do you want the guys to see her."

I glanced behind the three and saw five individuals. It was obvious that four out of the five were mated. I blinked as that Tom guy looked at them and used his Beta voice. Wait he is a Beta, not the Alpha. It was then I heard my angles voice commanding the she-wolf to shift I couldn't help but think shit she is the Alpha and damn was her voice hot. I didn't want to see that guy reject his mate for the Alpha. I shifted and took off running hoping to never see her again.

Trina POV

I stood there watching her shift and hand her Tom's shirt. She raises an eyebrow at me as she pulls it on "you are not upset I am wearing your boyfriend's shirt." I can tell she is not happy saying Tom is my boyfriend and I could not help but gag. I look her up and down making sure she is fully covered and then tell the guys they can turn around. I look at the girls who are literally on the floor laughing. Lucinda and Marisol finally get control of themselves and start singing Trina and Tom sitting in a tree. Of course, the guys join in with K.I.S.S.I.N.G. before they continue I take off growling "your all dead."

They cackle running around with Tom and myself chasing them around. I suddenly stop and look around when an intoxicating scent hits my senses. A small scrap of white fabric catches my eye floating in the breeze. I was stunned since normally clothes just fall to the ground when we shift. I catch it and bring it to my nose inhaling deeply. Ashley fights her way forward "MATE!" I feel Ashley start to move towards the boundary line when Tom, Manuel, and Wilfredo all tackle me. "Little Alpha you can't cross the border. We are not home and we do not have a free pass to enter Alpha Johnathan's territory. The Blood Stone pack will not like you crossing without permission."

I finally am able to fight my way back to reality and look around groaning "ok you heard of elephants get the fuck off me before I make sure you three never produce pups." I am quickly released while the three dorks take off and hide behind their mates. I cackle "you three do realize me being Alpha I can command them not to protect your sorry butts." I look over at Tom and the She-wolf he is hiding behind and walk up to her "hello I am Future Alpha Katrina Maria Garza, the dork cowering in fear behind you is Thomas "Tom" Gonzalez my Beta, over there under the willow is my Epsilon Manuel Rodriguez and his mate Marisol Soliz Rodriguez, next to them is my Delta Lucinda Gomez Williams and her mate Wilfredo Wiliams and finally my Gama William Torres. We are all from the Lone Star Pack."

She nods her head "Hello, I am Brenda Davis and I am a member of The Gleaming Sun pack. Does Alpha Mortimer know you guys are here?" I smile "yes, he is training us since there has been some drama surrounding myself and my mate." "Oh, yes Alpha Mortimer did let us all know about what you have been through and warned everyone in our pack that they are not to mess with you." I snorted "that didn't help any since some pack slut tried to claim Tom here." She growled "no mine." I giggled "don't worry he would never go anywhere near a pack slut."

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