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Smiling I walk forward just as I am grabbed and spun behind Tristan.  He is crouched down growling at Hortencia.  She laughs "calm down Future Male Luna Tristan."  Everyone looks at me "I didn't tell her his name."  Laughing she nods her head "she is correct.  Future Alpha Katrina did not tell me your alls names.  I will tell you who told me if Future Male Luna Tristan here calms down before I box his ears."  His majesty walks up "Hortencia are you messing with these kids already."  She smirks "yes, especially since her Highness has already received her first gift."  He looks around "I take it that it was control of water and since it appears that Lucinda is still dry she also has that element."  

Hortencia nods "yes, Future Alpha Katrina decided to play a prank on her commanding line and Lucinda raised her hands over her head like that would stop the water..."  His majesty laughs "yet it appears that it worked."  "That it did."  Once Tristan saw his majesty and realized that he knew Hortencia he backed off and let me introduce everyone.  Hortencia then explained that everyone would get some power whether it was elemental or not and that I would have them all.  She smiled at Lucinda "if your connection with Future Alpha Katrina is as strong as I believe it to be you should already be able to master your power."

We all looked at Lucinda waiting for her to do something.  It wasn't long before she smirked and spun her hands and nothing happened.  I looked at her "ok try again it didn't work."  She smiled "call Alpha Xavier."  I chuckled and picked up my phone calling Xavy "hey Triny!  Look I can't talk now I need to find the ass that just dumped water on me.  I am fucking soaking wet."  I burst out laughing "really?"  "Yes, it was like it just fell from the damn sky."  I snorted "well it kind of did."  "What the hell do you mean?"  Head towards Alpha Johnathan's pack border."  "Ok, on my way, I guess I can dry off as I make my way to you."  

Lucinda smirks and waves her hands winking at me.  I chuckled "what did you do now?"  Tom screeches "wait what the hell is going on?"  Hortencia laughs "see within a pack's border once you all have mastered your power you can use it from anywhere on anyone."  Tom snorted "let me guess Lucinda sent the water to Xavy."  I nodded and Willie snorted "let me guess she is having a little drizzle follow him here."  Lucinda smirked nodding her head.  It didn't take long before we heard Xavy cussing up a storm about the stupid rain following him and only getting him wet.

I snorted "what do you bet Ana is with him and not a drop of water?"  Everyone nodded "yep, and he has at some point tried to pull her into the rain with him."  Lucinda snorted "it won't work.  If I am understanding the way the magic works it will just fall around her and not get her wet.  Even if he hugs her she will stay dry. Since that is what I want it to do."  Hortencia laughed "well, unfortunately, his clothes will get her wet but if he pulled her into the drizzle it will just land around her and become harder where he is."

None of us could wait for Xav to walk into the clearing and as he finally steps out all of us lost it.  He looked like a drowned rat "look at this shit.  As soon as I hung up my phone this shit started.  It has followed me everywhere.  What is really strange is look at the fucking ground it is as dry as a bone.  It is like someone has cast a damn spell on me."  That really had us lose our shit.  We all were on the ground clutching our sides and laughing harder.  Once we all stopped laughing I waved my hand and the drizzle stopped.  He glared at me "you did this."  Lucinda snorted "nope it was me.  That was payback for telling everyone earlier that I accidentally ripped my pants during training and I was wearing my little pony panties."

He shook his head "how?  Wait the prophecy.  So, that means that Katrina got her first power and it was water.  If you were able to use it like this already that means Katrina has already mastered the power."  We all looked at him "hello guys Zacharia already showed me the whole prophecy.  The Royal Family of the Fae has already sent the second part."  I look at him "hello why wasn't I notified."  "Because you need to concentrate on the test you have the day after tomorrow.  Once you are finished you will be given the second part."  I nod my head "Ok, I guess I don't understand why we can not just do this already."

He snorted "because you still have a little training tomorrow.  You will not be going through training with Uncle Eralio.  You will however be going through the last bit of training with me, Alpha Johnathan, and Alpha Mortimer as well as his Majesty."  Tristan growled, "no she is not going to be alone with two unmated males."  I walked up to him giving him a Gibs slap.  "Dork you have to go through the training as well.  Hello, you are the future Male Luna."  He looked around and everyone was nodding their heads.  His majesty smiled "tomorrow you will not have to go through physical training since we already know that you are well-trained from your Beta training.  Fortunately for you, there really isn't much difference between Beta Training and Alpha training so you should be caught up to Future Alpha Katrina when she joins you after her physical training."

Hortencia decided to take pity on Xavy and created a gust of warm wind to dry him off before we all took off back to the pack house.  As we were walking his majesty let me know that Hortencia's true gift from the Goddess was air.  That she was only going to be able to tell us how to use our gifts as they present themselves.  Because even though her gift is air she will not have the ability to control it the same way I will plus whoever gets that power.  I looked at the gang and guessed if anyone is going to get air it will be Manuel."  "Why do you think it will be me?"   "Because you possess many of the attributes of air.  Like Lucinda possess many attributes of water."

Everyone stares at me and I couldn't help but chuckle.  "Think about it guys.  Lucinda is the rational one.  In many ways, we all can agree that she is a glass-half-empty kind of person.  She always points out the negative side of things."  Everyone nods "not to mention if she believes we are about to end up hitting a brick wall..."  Tom jumps in "she can get us to see maybe we should step back and reconsider a different viewpoint."  "Exactly.  All the attributes of water.  Now think about Manuel he is an easy-going kind of guy and just goes with the flow most of the time."  Tom snots "well that is until he needs to be stern and boy when that happens he can be one dark individual."  "Exactly."

Everyone nods and Brenda was the one that brought up the mates.  "What do we as mates get?"  His Majesty looks around "well you get immunity to your mate's element plus an additional power.  It can be anything from mind reading to levitation.  The only person that will have all the powers and immunity to all of them is Katrina.  Unfortunately for all of you, she is the only person that can use all the powers on everyone.  No one will have immunity if she uses them."  Tristan gulps "no one."  His majesty smiles "she can not use the powers against her mate unless he betrays her."  "Oh, thank Goddess I am safe,"  I smirk and try to drop water on Tristan only to have it fall all around him.  

Lucinda caught my message and she tried to drench him as well and succeeded.  He shook his head "what the hell?"  His majesty laughed "sorry Beta/Future Luna Male Tristan you are not immune to the magic if someone else uses it just Katrina as long as you stay true and loyal to her."  I hugged Tristan "I was just testing a theory."  "Ok, but please don't do that again."  "I don't plan on it.  Especially since none of us have air yet."  "Thank you, Dew Drop."

The rest of the night we talked and hung out with each other before we all headed to bed.  Since William was still out there I decided to let Tristan share my bed.  The guys were not happy about us sharing a bed and were worried that Tristan would try to cash in our v-cards until he vowed to his Majesty that he would wait until one after the testing was done and two we were all back at the Lone Star pack grounds.  Not to mention I needed to be ready and willing to accept him as my mate.  The only way anything could change was if I agreed to mark and mate before we left for Lone Star but it still had to be after the test.  

Everyone was surprised that he was willing to make his vow to his Majesty since if he broke the vow he would be in the Royal Dungeons for ten years and he would lose me as his mate.  I couldn't help but think that Tristan was really proving that he would be a good mate.  Not only did I have confirmation from the Moon Goddess herself that Tristan was my destined mate but he was really working hard at having me trust him.  Maybe just maybe the day we get back to Lone Star we will be one.

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