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The next evening Tom shifted and found out more about his wolf.  He was not happy that I had known his wolf's name for three months and that he was Ashley's brother.  Maggie was happy and relaxed more around Tom and me.  Turns out one of Genevive's clones told her how I was always by Tom's side.  Luckily for us both, we had agreed to never do anything that could make our potential mates upset or doubt us.  Maggie and William both admitted they would find it hard to accept us being around each other if we had even kissed.  

The night we left for the Alpha/Beta camp William pouted begging me not to leave him.  I just giggled and reminded him that all Alphas had to go and there was nothing I could do about going.  He complained that it wasn't fair that Maggie was going to be able to be with Tom while he was going to be left out in the cold.  I just shook my head and reminded him that he was a strong Alpha and that he could get through this minor separation.  I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and jumped into the car.

Tom cocked an eyebrow at me "really Little Alpha just a peck on the cheek?"  "Yeah, we are taking it slow."  I mind-linked Tom since Maggie was in the car "plus something seems off."  "Why do you say that?"  "He hinted that there was no need for me to go to training since he already has been trained."  "But if you don't go you can't be Alpha."  "Exactly.  It makes me think he just wants my pack."  "OK, maybe that is why Maggie has been acting off."  "What do you mean?"  "She has been trying to keep me away from her brother.  Plus whenever we would bring up training in front of him she would try to change the subject.  Not to mention we are alone she tells me you are being selfish going to training when her brother is already trained."  "True.  I guess we will have to wait and see."

It was a six-hour drive to the camp and that didn't include all the bathroom, drink and snack stops not to mention the stops for meals.  Yep, the total one-way trip took 10 hours.  What can I say Tom and I love our food.   Once we arrived at camp we checked in and moved on to the newcomers' area waiting to be told what we were going to be doing.  Tom looked at me and grinned and I couldn't help but smirk at him.  Maggie looked at the two of us "I thought we couldn't mind link here."  I looked at her and smiled "we can't on campgrounds.  Witches have put a spell on the grounds to prevent mind linking."  "So, you two are not talking to each other."  Tom snorted "Little Alpha here and I have always been able to read each other's minds."  "Wait really?"  "Yep, since before we had our wolves."  "How in the world?"  I shrug my shoulders "We don't know.  Our parents told us stories about how we were always able to tell what the other one was thinking.  Hell, we can even sense when the other one is in trouble or hurting."  Tom smirks "yep, plus we can tell where the other one is located."

We make our way to check in and find that all three of us are in the same house.  Tom and I didn't realize that Maggie had pulled the head aside and tried to have them separate us and was not happy that she was told no.  Since Tom was my beta we had to stick together to learn the differences in our jobs.  She was annoyed that first night especially since she was not allowed to share a room with Tom.  I had been pulled aside and warned that my beta female was not happy about the accommodations.  That she wanted accommodations just for the beta couple.  She claimed that I refused to mate with my goddess-given mate because I was after Tom.  He then informed me that he let her know that it was not my decision not to mate but the rule of the camp.  He said to watch my back because she kept claiming that since my mate had already been to Alpha camp I did not need to attend.  

Of course, when I returned to the house I told Tom we needed to speak and had him meet me in my temporary office which was soundproofed.  Maggie was not happy that I would not let her be in the room with us.  She yelled at Tom "remember what I told you, babe."  He smiled "I will."  Once he closed the door and sat down he looked at me "ok what's up."  I grin "you know this is soundproofed as well as the one at the house."  "Duh Little Alpha this is supposed to be the Alpha office."  "Ok, well it turns out Maggie wants her own place.  She doesn't want us alone together."  "Why do you say that?"  "Well, she spoke to Elder Brandon about wanting her own place.  She also told them she thinks I am after you since I would not mate with William."  "Ok continue I know there is more."  "When she was told I was not allowed to mate so I do not go into heat she told them I should not have come since my mate had already attended his camp."

"Damn I guess your right there is something sketchy going on with those two."  "Why do you say that?"  "Well, first off as soon as you went to meet Elder Brandon she started talking about how you are just too stubborn.  How she didn't understand why you insisted on attending the camp if William already had attended.  When I explained you couldn't be Alpha without attending she told me what is wrong with her being Luna.  Then she told me that she was pretty sure that you were going to want to talk to me about what Elder Brandon spoke to you about without her and that whatever you said was a lie because you were jealous that my first mate wanted me, unlike your first mate.  She even hinted that she was sure you lied about your first mate cheating on you."  

I shook my head "seriously."  "Yep, I didn't tell her I was there when it happened.  I want her to think that I believe her."  "What is going on Tom I know there is more?"  "Something doesn't feel right Triny."  "Ok, now I know this is something serious."  "Well...the bond feels weak."  "What do you mean exactly."  "Well, I don't feel the pull to her as much anymore."  I shake my head "ok, that should not be happening."  I stand up and start pacing back and forth.  "Wait, let me look into this.  I want you to act normal."  "What are you thinking Triny?"  "I don't really know.  I remember dad telling me that there are a lot of precautions in place here to protect us since we are without our warriors and pack."  "True."  "So, you want me to act normal?"  "Tell her that I had a call from my dad and that we were talking about pack business.  Since she is not a member of our pack yet you can't tell her about our conversation."  "OK."  

We both walked out of my office heading into the living room.  When we walked in Maggie was sitting on the sofa looking annoyed.  She stood up "you know I am the Future Beta Female and I have a right to be in all meetings."  I shook my head "actually no you do not have that right.  There are some aspects of the pack business that do not pertain to you.  Plus as of right now you are still not a member of my pack and until you are inducted you can not be a part of pack business."  I walked off and headed to my room and decided to call William.  If I expected Tom to act normal I knew I had to as well.  Unfortunately William did not answer so I left him a message "hey babe finished getting everything set up and had a meeting with Tom about some pack business.  Sorry I missed you.  Love you bye."  

After hanging up the phone I took a quick shower got ready for bed and headed off to dreamland.  I woke up the next day to an alarm going off proceeded by an announcement telling all of us to get up and meet in the dining hall for breakfast.  I shook out my head got dressed ready for a good workout and headed down to meet Maggie and Tom and heard.  "Babe come on tell me what you two talked about last night."  "Maggie I can't."  "Let me guess she Alpha ordered you."  "No, she didn't.  Now you need to drop it.  Future Alpha Katrina should be down soon and she will not like you trying to pry into the private pack business."  I jumped down the stairs throwing my hands in the air "perfect ten."  Tom snorted "one of these days your not going to stick the landing."  "Ah is poor Tommy boy upset that when he tried it he sprained his ankle?"

"Stuff it Little Alpha."  I snorted "come on let's go eat."  The three of us walked out and headed to the dining area and were soon led to our table.  I looked at how big the table was and looked around "why are there so many chairs?"  Tom shrugged his shoulders and we all soon looked to the stage when we heard "may I have your attention please."  Elder Brandon waited until we all turned toward the stage.  "I am pretty sure you all are confused as to why each of you has a huge table."  "King Henry wants to try something different this time around and soon your entire commanding line should be joining you.  For those of you that have been here a while, this is the time they would normally join you.  The group starting today will be the first group to have the entire commanding line with them from start to finish.  King Henry wants to see if having the entire commanding line from start to finish will help bring them all closer together."

It wasn't long before the rest of the gang descended upon us.  "Now take your seats and quiet down."  He waits again and once the room is quiet he starts again "the only exception to this will be those that have already been trained."  "Now remember you are not allowed to share a bedroom in your temporary mini packhouse and there are to be no matting or sexual activities during your stay.  Remember your first class starts at 9 AM today so use this time to catch up with each other and enjoy your breakfast."   I looked at Tom and he nodded his head knowing that we are going to have to fill in the rest of the commanding line about William and Maggie.  This is so not going to be good.  I do not know if they are going to be able to keep themselves in check but we have to let them know so they can keep an eye and ear out just in case.

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