32. Wrapped up

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Josh and Arlen waited at the airfield for the jet to fly in.
"... what kinda mood was he in when you spoke to him?."

Josh sniggered. "Usual dad mood.. but sounds like there is a lot of heavy shit going down in Saudi..."

"Have you heard from mom?.."

He shook his head. "No... I'm worried about her... dad has pushed her so far away..

"Mom could have come back... she chose to stay away..."

Josh looked at Arlen. "You know what he did to her right?.."

"She sweeps it under the rug every damn time anyway so what is so different this time?.." Arlen said.

Josh furrowed his brow. "That's harsh man.. she stayed for the kids...for us... she took a lot of shit from him and even now he's doing the age old shit that he has always does and won't give her peace..." he said to him. "She's a strong ass woman and that's our mama man... aren't you proud not even just a lil?.."

Arlen sighed. "Of course I am... I just miss her.. she's always been there...

"She's doing her... we should be proud of that..." he paused as the jet taxied into the hangar. "Here he is, you know his ass is gonna be as grumpy as hell to deal with..."

"Nothing new there." Arlen said as they got out of the car.

The jet steps were deployed and Keegan stepped out first, he nodded to his sons before he was followed off the jet by Charlotte with Dinah behind.
"Who the fuck is this.. some bitch he's screwing now... he never learns!." Arlen said to his twin.

Keegan walked over to his boys, "Josh, Arlen.. there is something I need to tell you...

" I don't wanna hear it, you think it's okay to just keep bringing yo bitches to us like it's fun and it's an okay thing to dad

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" I don't wanna hear it, you think it's okay to just keep bringing yo bitches to us like it's fun and it's an okay thing to dad...

"What?." Keegan said with his face screwed up as he looked at Arlen. "Boy, What the fuck are you talking about?.."

He nodded his head to Charlotte, he looked in the direction that he nodded and when he saw it was Charlotte he was looking at he shook his head and laughed out loud. "I'll get to that, first of all you both need to know... Wesley is dead..."

Dinah put her head down and Josh and Arlen were shocked and saddened. " What happened?."Josh asked.

"He was shot, we know who did it and it's been handled... by yo mama...

Charlotte didn't like the sound of all of this, she knew only the things that were easy to get hold of about her mother, the public bits. She had no idea of the intricacies of their lives, and what they did for a living.

"Is mom okay?..."

Keegan was quiet for a second. "I guess so...

Josh looked at Charlotte. "And who the fuck are you... because there is no way that I'm calling you mommy, bitch!.."

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