26. Done

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Keegan had left Charlotte for a while with Dinah, he knew he needed to find and speak to Charisma. He walked up to the house after he got out of his car. Jenson, Nash and Lena had gone to check in to a hotel nearby. "Is she alone in there?." He asked her security,

"Yes Sir!." He replied.

Keegan walked up to the door and knocked. He waited a just a moment before the door opened and Charisma stood looking at him. "I said I didn't want to see you...

"I just wanna talk... hear what I gotta say and then I'll leave." He told her.
She thought about it for a second and then stood aside to let him through.

He turned and looked at her. "I had the results back..

She shook her head. "Fuck you Keegan... I don't wanna...

"She's mine...
Charisma just stared at him.
"She's mine C....

"Good for you... I guess you got your new baby after all..." she said.

" she said

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"...C... I'm sorry...

"No I am... for trusting you, for believing for the millionth time that your intentions were good... you do everything against me...

"I needed to know...

"I asked you to go back to Canada to see her.. instead you bring her here...

"She's our daughter..." he said to her with his brow furrowed.

"THE WAY YOU TREATED ME THE OTHER NIGHT!.." she yelled at him. "The things you say hurt so much... but as always, you expect me to just sweep it all under the rug like it never happened... I had your father here, blaming me for what happened back in LA... I have had it up to here!" She said, pointing to her forehead.  "I'm happy that she's yours... but I can't just pick up like nothing had happened... I gave my baby away.. it's disgusting... I can't look her in the eye... but she's got you... and I know you'll treat her good... but this is the end of the road for us Keegan... it really is...

"What!... what are you saying?.." he said a worried expression on his face.

"I'm done.." she told him and wiped her tears, as she spoke.

"You don't mean that..

"Oh I do!... listen to me for once!... you stopped taking your meds, and once again you began to change towards me... You almost killed me and you expect me to be okay with knowing that you decide when you take those pills... I cannot live with the fear of what if... or the manipulation and lies... finishing in my mouth and telling me that it's because I can't have kids, so there is no point in us making love together...

"C... I..." he chewed his lips. "I can't do life without you...

"You're gonna have to.. because it is over... please go back to Canada... take Charlotte with you.. and be there for the kids... and our grand babies...

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