25. Spolied

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"... C talk to me...

Charisma chewed her lip to hide the fact that she wanted to cry. "I'm a bad person... a bad person... I don't deserve good things...


"I gave up my baby... years ago... but she's back and she wants to see me and I..." she shook her head and wiped a stray tear as it fell from her eye. "How can I face her... I was the bitch who put her baby in care for someone else to raise... I went against everything that I stood for because I was scared... I wanted her to have a good life, and I believe that she is Ryan's and Keegan would never forgive me, and her life would be made hell because of it... I thought she was safer away from me..."

Lena gave her a hug

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Lena gave her a hug. "These men we love, are hard and tough... and we do things that we believe are right at the time to keep the peace to keep ourselves and those we love safe... if she is looking for you, you have to talk to her.. explain, she's grown now... you can talk to her as an adult... Charisma you are so full of love.. and she will see that...

"I don't even know where to start..." she looked at her sister. "Does Jenson truly believe that I set up the hit?.."

Lena raised her eyebrows. "Half heartedly... he's clutching at straws and we have tried to tell him that.. but C... your help would be greatly appreciated by me...

"Okay.. I'll see what I can find out and bring whoever is responsible to Jenson... but I won't be a decoy... I'm passed that..."


".... There she is...
Venice jumped out of Angel's car as she saw her sister walking out of college and not heading in the direction of home.

She turned hearing her name and saw Venice "V?.."

"Where are you going?... home is not this way...

 home is not this way

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"What do you care..

"Mom, called me worried about you... you're pregnant.. look at those bruises and marks on your face." She said touching her baby sister's face. "What is up?."

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