5. Partnerships

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Charisma waited for her flight this time taking a commercial flight instead of a jet. She saw Hassan walk into the departures lounge. She shook her head.
"Don't be like that Charisma.. I just want to talk to you... " he said standing next to her.

"I feel like a celebrity.. Everyone wants to talk to me today.." she said sarcastically.

"I'm on my way back to Saudi today... I have a jet ready and fuelled... judging by the departure gate here in front of me you're taking a flight to Saudi too...

"Cut the crap... you followed me.." she said to him. "What makes you think I would get on your jet after you blew one up with me in it?..."

"I'm not saying it again.. I didn't know it was you...

"You just said it again..." she said with a straight face.

" she said with a straight face

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"Please Charisma... I heard by the way... about yo name change... you're more fascinating by the minute... so you're a Chavez-Reynolds..."

"Rakim was one of many men claiming to be my father... and yes, buttons tried the glass slipper in him and it fit... he was the daddy... but he was no fucking Prince Charming....

"I can only imagine what you've been through in yo life from even just a young age... you're a queen.. you deserve to be treated as such..."

"Now you're just sucking up to me cos I'm a Chavez-Reynolds.. huh?.."

He shook his head. "You are not going to make this easy for me are you?..."

"Why should I make anything easy Hassan?..." she said looking at him with her arms folded across her chest. "none of you men make it easy for me!." She said. "I do want to talk to you about partnering for the arms deals though... but as for me and you, on a personal level... don't even think about it... you fucking tried to kill me...

"Oh my god!! I had no intention of killing you.. Charisma.. I did not try to kill you....

Charisma smirked. "There's that vein in your forehead.. I noticed from before that it pops out when you're angry about something... it's kinda cute.." she said.

He took a deep breath and sighed heavily. "I will take you to Saudi, we can talk business on the flight... please?."

"You don't give up do you... 10 out of 10 for perseverance..." she paused. "Okay; I'll fill with you, but this is business only though... now, let me just powder my nose in the ladies room..." she said and he headed toward the door to wait for her outside, and she headed to the bathroom.

They hadn't noticed, but someone had been watching, in a dark coloured hoody, head low, staying out of the way. As soon as she went into the bathroom the hooded figure followed slowly, not trying to draw attention. She was about to go into a stall when the hooded figure followed her in and shut the door locking it.
She brought her knee up to catch this person in the groin and then he lifted his head.

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