8. Barriers 2

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Charisma saw that it was a number that she didn't recognise, full of caution she picked up but kept quiet.
"... is this Charisma...

"Who are you?."


"Oh." She sniggered. "The girl who likes to wear my clothes... You're welcome to my wardrobe by the way f you and him are a thing again..."

"I wanted to talk to you about Keegan..

"I wanted to talk to you about Keegan

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Charisma rolled her eyes. "He likes steaks medium rare, he loves his greens...everything needs to be spicy...

"PLEASE!.." she snapped. "Please just listen to me... he is broken..

"He's always been broken.. and he is near on unfixable..

"but have you ever really tried to understand him... You know yourself that he has this wall around him, because of things that happened out of his control when he was younger...

"But am I supposed to be the fall guy for everything bad that happened in his life! Am I supposed to take the things that he says to me the things he does to me and just say oh well, Keegan needs to vent so I'll be his punching bag!" Charisma, said, raising her voice.

"That is not what I'm saying... But I think you know yourself that you are the only person that can ever, ever understand him, and you are the only person that he loves... But he's so wrapped up in his own emotional mess that he can't unravel it to see you standing in front of him..." she paused. "I found him in tears today, crying... A man like him that the world thinks has no feelings or heart... well he does Charisma, he hurts like everybody else. He's just better at hiding it... the reason he was crying, was because he wanted to understand why he couldn't love you, the way that he truly wanted to...

"What the fuck is this? Are you his therapist now... Please do not presume you know my fucking life with him because you have no idea! I was 21 years old when I met him and I wish back then, that somebody would have told me to run a million miles from him to save me the heartache, the pain, and everything that comes with that man... I fell in love with him, and I persevered, and I went through the pain... Because I always believed there would be a brighter day... No one can ever tell me that I don't love him... But until you've been through what I've been through with him, don't stand there and preach to me about his feelings, and his hurt... Because the only reason I'm not with him right now is because of what his hurt did to my soul and my heart!... now if you don't mind... I'm busy.." she snapped and ended the call.

Charisma took a deep breath and blew out to calm herself. She ran her hand through her hair. "Fucking Keegan!.." she said in anger.
She picked up her cell and she called his number.

The phone rang and then he picked up. He said nothing. "I don't even know why I'm calling you.. you just make me as angry as hell.."

"Then put the phone down Miss Chavez-Reynolds...

"I didn't leave you because I wanted to... you left me no choice... I mean how many more times were we gonna try huh... cos all the trying was getting us nowhere...RIGHT!."
He kept quiet
"Keegan fucking answer me..."

"I don't know what you want me to say...

"I don't know..." she said frustration evident in her voice. " I don't want to know that you're hurting okay, because believe it or not I care about you.."

"Oh... Alana...

"Just stop your girlfriend from calling me and putting me on some kind of guilt trip okay..."

"she's not my girlfriend.."

"I don't care if she is or not...  now I gotta go.. I think it's probably best if I delete your number and you delete mine... we don't need to contact each other about the kids anymore they're all grown...

"Sounds like you've been waiting for this moment since they were born...

" get over yourself, I was happy to be your wife it was you that was bored of me, of us,.... I have really important things to be doing, have a good life, Keegan..." she ended the call feeling her blood pressure rise.


Keegan was at his second house stood against his car, he was about to see his father and try and get his head back into business. He was giving himself a minute after the call, he turned quickly as he heard someone. "holdup.. if it isn't Nash's girl...

"Not anymore..." she said with tears in her eyes.

"Oh, that's got to be a record time that someone has ever learned what a motherfucker he is.." he sniggered.

"I can't be with him

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"I can't be with him... he lied to me.. I overheard his conversation, treating me like a damn fool... he had sex with someone else on the jet..." she said wiping her eyes in disbelief. "There is me worried sick he was dead and he was screwing Lena's sister on there...
Keegan felt his head spin, he felt sick and as if someone had just torn his heart of our his chest and punched him with it. "If you're going in there please don't say I'm gone.. I wanna be as far away from him as possible before he finds out." She said and carried on walking.
Keegan walked to the side of his car as soon as he knew he was alone and he threw up. Her words had rocked him. He held his stomach as he regained himself.

"They wouldn't do that to me... not C...they can't..

He was brought from his thoughts as Jenson, Marlon and Nash walked out of the house. His eyes fell to Nash but he swallowed hard and kept his cool, his eyes were firmly fixed on him.
"Keegan.." Jenson said. "I wasn't expecting to see you.."

"I thought we were talking business... Korea right?.."

"Are you up to it nephew.. we all know yo ass is pining like a love sick puppy.. so, if you're not up to it..
Nash shrugged.

"I'm up for it.." Keegan said. "In fact I think it is about time that me and you did this together unc... we haven't worked together for a long while now..."

Nash smirked. "Ion need you dragging me back on this.. if you're gonna cry over Charisma the whole time I would rather do it alone..."

"Me and C are done.. and I'm good with that..." he said clenching his jaw as he spoke with a false smile on his lips.

"It wouldn't be a good idea.." Jenson said. "Nash and Marlon are doing the Korean meet..."

"Naw.." he shook his head. "You don't get to tell me shit.. I run my own business... so either you want me in or you don't...

Nash looked at his brother. "Let me and him do it bro.. he is so eager to see how a real G gets down... he might learn something...

Jenson pulled Nash to one side. "What are you doing?."

"Bonding with my nephew..." he smiled. "It's gonna be all good....

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