15. His insecurities

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Charisma soaked in the tub after she and Keegan had had a very rough and hard session. She sat quietly with her knees up under her chin, thinking. Her cell rang next to her and she saw it was Lena. Keegan heard and walked in, picking up her phone before she has the chance to get to it.

"You wouldn't want to get it wet now would you.." he smiled answering to Lena. "She is very naked and wet right now...

"Thanks Keegan... I need to talk to her... can you tell her to call me..."

"Will do...
He said and ended the call.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Keegan asked Charisma.

"Did you have to say that, I haven't even told anyone that we are back together yet... I should've been able to tell my own sister my way.." she said to him.

"Baby girl... people already know... I had everyone spread the word... it was what we wanted right?.. so why wait?.." he smiled. He left her in the tub taking her phone with him.

 He left her in the tub taking her phone with him

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"Keegan you have my....
He shut the door before she could finish.
She closed her eyes and rested her head back.

Keegan sat on the edge of the bed and held her phone in his hand, he gripped it tightly like he wanted to crush it. He knew her passcode. She had not changed it. He opened her phone and scrolled through it until he came to her contacts and found Hassan's number. He sighed heavily and opened the messages. He read them wanting to see how close they had become, but not wanting to see at the same time.
As he held the phone in his hand a text came through from Nash.

I can not believe what the fuck I'm hearing? You needed to be done with him C! Yet he's there in Saudi with you now, you were home and dry baby girl. He better not have hurt you or I will kill him.

Keegan sniggered and shook his head. "Just try it mother fucker and this time I will make sure I shoot you in yo fucking head" he said to himself angry inside.

Charisma appeared in the doorway with a towel wrapped around her. "Have you finished going through my phone?"

" if I'm looking after you, then I need to be on top of everything that's going on...  I Also need to know how much I can trust you, because yes, I've done some fucked up things to you and we are back together, so you say... But I would like to know that you're not planning my demise because I've been such a motherfucker to you?." he told are looking at her.

"Trust me Keegan, it went through my head... do you know something I have tried many times to be apart from you it never works so I have given that idea up... but don't let your guard down:" she said with a smirk. "and as you know, they do say you need to keep your enemies close... So that is why you'll see Hassan is in my phone... Do you honestly think after the way my life has panned out that I want other men?....Keegan I don't trust men funny though, don't you think why I don't trust them..."

He looked at her. "Nash text you...

"Did he?... well, I'm not his keeper... Right now, I'm here with you if he decides to text me that's on him I'm not forcing him to do anything.."

"He is saying that you shouldn't be with me you should be rid of me by now.. Is that how you feel, do you discuss our relationship when you are with him?...

She frowned. "When I'm with him! Keegan I'm not having some sordid affair with your uncle... Everyone knows what a motherfucker you've been to me over the years, we don't need to have conversations about it... Its common knowledge!.. No one believes I should be with you, but they keep quiet, because I'll always come back to you because I love you.. Nash is just a little more vocal about his feelings... and you'll never stop that..." she walked over and took the phone from his hands and went off to get dressed.


"How did I know that the whole crew would turn up... I did think I would see all of yo lil faces a lot sooner than this though.." Angel said with a smirk as he saw Josh, Arlen and Keane pull up.

"Where are the kids?.." Josh said.

"Now, I wonder why you would be worried about my kids, the emphasis there being my kids, meaning it has nothing to do with any of you

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"Now, I wonder why you would be worried about my kids, the emphasis there being my kids, meaning it has nothing to do with any of you..."

"Why didn't you send them to school, Venice is worried...

"Then Venice should come and talk to me." He said. " The kids are sick, and me being a good father decided to keep them off school... But you're not gonna take my word for it so do you want to come in and see for yo selves?.." he said with his brows raised.

Josh walked up the steps and angel stood in front of him. "you need to tell yo sister to come here, I'm not some kinda child who will play games with her which could put my kids at risk because of it... she needs to come and speak to me like an adult" he told him standing nose to nose with him before he let him through the doors into the house.

Arlen looked at Keane. "Angel wouldn't have the kids held here anyone can see that... This is for him and Venice to talk about properly, and this beef between him and Dad is causing everyone to think that he would pull a stunt like this and he just wouldn't.."

Keane nodded. " Maybe Dad and Angel should come together in front of everyone, and get everything out of their systems once and for all.."

"You know something lil bro, that is not a bad idea.." Arlen said to him.

Josh walked into the bedroom and saw both Mitchel and Valentina lying top and tail in Angel's bed. "Well, look at you two feeling all sorry for yo selves." He said as he sat on the bed.

"I don't feel well uncle Josh.." Valentina said.

"No.. really?.."

She shook her head. "Can mommy come and see us?."

Angel leaned on the door ledge and cleared his throat. "Josh why don't you go and get yo sister and bring her here... the kids want to see her..."

Josh looked at Angel. "She doesn't want any trouble Angel...

"There won't be any..." he said and smiled at the kids.


"... hey sis..." Lena paused. "Are you good..

"If by good you mean me and Keegan... then yeah.. we're trying again...

"Well you have to do what you have to do sis... but that wasn't the reason that I'm calling you... someone came by the estate today... some one claiming to be your sister, she said she was from the care home..."

Charisma tried to think. "Who....

"Her name is Charlotte...
Charisma went quiet.
"Are you still there?.."

"I have to go... Keegan is back with Tian ... I can't talk right now." She said and ended the call...

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