12. Business bond

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Charisma woke up the next morning in Keegan's arms. He was already awake, he looked down at her and kissed her head. "Morning sexy...

"Morning." She replied with a smile. "Can I just ask.. as it is on my mind.... did you kill my guards last night?.."

"Naw I paid em to go and have a good time..." he smirked.

"You want some coffee... my staff don't usually arrive just yet..." she said sitting up.

"C.. about last night.. it wasn't just to get you back and into bed just to continue on how things were... it was for real.. I finally let you know how I feel...

She nodded. "I know... and I felt it... I also laid bare my truths.." she paused. "But there is something that I need to tell you..
He looked at her.
"I had a meeting early yesterday with Jakob the leader of the Albanian mafia... I was trying to get up under him to be his supplier... Hassan was the one with the connection, so he arranged the meet... It seems that Jakob won't work with us until we've completely wiped out the people that killed Aldo and Chase.."

"That's because he knows exactly who you are related to.. and he is testing yo skills and yo loyalty..." he sighed. "I knew that it was going to be a problem, and that it wasn't going to just go away..." he looked at her. "But tell me what you want C..."

"Your help... your support with overthrowing him.. without you trying to undermine me and make me feel like I have no idea what I'm doing... Because I think you know deep down that I do.."
Charisma heard a car pull up outside she went to the window and looked down, she saw it was Hassan.
"It's Hassan" she said looking back at Keegan.

"It's Hassan" she said looking back at Keegan

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"Let him in... act normal, and don't let him know that I am here..." he told her. She headed down to the door, Keegan found himself a spot where he could hear the conversation plainly, but stay out of sight.

"Hey... you're early.." she said letting him in. "Come through.. do you want coffee..

"No, I know how quiet you were yesterday after what Jakob asked of us... but you need to understand...

"There is nothing to understand, me and Keegan had kids together, those kids are Taylor's... I don't care who he is, you cannot expect me to wipe out my own family.."

"Then show me how to get inside and I will do it myself, then the blood will not be on yo hands..."

"Hassan... i won't allow this to happen..

"So how the hell do you expect to start doing business with Jakob?.." Hassan said frustrated.

"We overthrow him..

Hassan stared at her, and then he furrowed his brow. "We can't do that.. you do understand who he is right!." He snapped at her. " You are so fucking infuriating....

"Why because I won't conform to what you want.. I won't agree to letting you kill my family and put my kids lives in danger....

"WHAT THE FUCK HAVE THEY EVER DONE FOR YOU HUH!... tell me that... Keegan beats you, cheats on you... his father wants to keep yo bloodline close so he can reap all the profits and credit... do you honestly think they are happy about you going back to being a Chavez-Reynolds?... of course they're NOT!.. Dollar has been riding on the coattails of that name for his entire criminal career... if you take that name you're separating it out from under the Taylor name and they will no longer be relevant...

"Look, Keegan didn't come up under Taylor or Chavez-Reynolds... me and him met way before that all came out...

Hassan walked up to her, he stood close to her and touched her face. "You know I want you.. this is a sure fire way for us to be together... isn't that what you want too?..." he said looking at her, deep into her eyes.

Keegan's jaw clenched and unclenched as he heard this man and saw him getting closer and closer to her.
"Don't give up the ghost Charisma, please just keep going." He said to himself under his breath.

"Let's just get the deal done okay.." Charisma said to him. "I'll show you some places to hit them... meet me at the trap in an hour.."

Hassan smiled. "You know it makes sense Charisma". Hassan said touching her face and then he left.

Keegan came down the stairs, he looked at her with his eyebrows raised. "Wow! He really is a persistent mother fucker isn't he..."

"I want that business.. but I don't want to give you all up for it... so, any advice you can offer..

"You go after you want.. if it's Jakob's business that you want you shall have it... I will give you the help to get in and I will take a back seat and make sure you're protected from the sidelines..."

She walked over to him and she stood in front of him. She reached up on tip toe and he lowered his head so she could kiss his lips. "I don't want any more back and forth Keegan.. I want us.. we take a stand together now... or we walk away and we never look in each others direction again..."

"Let's not let anyone else in... let's shut the door and leave them outside... together we are gonna be indestructible..." he said to her. "But there is one more thing...
She looked at him questioningly.
"Hassan needs to go...

"Once the deal is done..." she smiled.

Charisma walked upstairs to get changed, Keegan watched after her. As she disappeared into a room he took out his cell. "Keegan man, where the fuck are you, everyone is looking for you?.."Wesley said picking up.

"Wesley said picking up

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"Fuck them... I'm gonna be in Saudi for a while...." He told him. "I'm a need you to take care of business in Canada... and I'll also need you to send 5 of the best soldiers out here... only when I say we need em....

"How is C?.."

"I see a clearer path ahead... it's just crazy that we had to go through all of this to get here...

"Nash is okay in case you care...

"I don't care... it's time for me to care about my family..." he said.


Venice walked into the school still not having heard from Angel or seen her kids. She walked up to reception. "I'm hoping that Mitchel and Valentina arrived at school this morning... they were being dropped here by their father?..."

The receptionist looked at something on her screen, it seemed to take an age but then she looked at Venice. "I'm afraid neither of them were signed in this morning.. but there was a call from their father saying they were both sick with a tummy bug...

Venice closed her eyes. "Okay.. thank you...

"Is there anything we can do Miss Fraser?..."

Venice went into sheer panic mode. There was nothing the school could do, as they hadn't arrived there. She just stared and her heart rate elevated. She began to sweat. She had no idea what Angel was up to and she didn't even know if they were in the country anymore.....

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