Chapter 13

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Charlotte woke the next morning feeling more refreshed than she had since she'd been kidnapped. She'd slept soundly through the night, surprisingly unplagued by nightmares.

Joanna bustled around her room, opening the curtains, laying out a meal, and a dress for Charlotte. She turned back to her. "I will return in an hour. Be dressed."

Charlotte watched her leave, then turned to look at the dress. She'd never been responsible for dressing herself before; she'd always had Penny's help.

Joanna had left her a pretty blue day gown complete with petticoats and a corset. Charlotte sighed. She'd better get dressed first, as that wasn't going to be easy for her to do alone.

An hour later, Joanna retuned to find Charlotte sitting on the bed half dressed, her corset gripped in one hand as tears of frustration streamed down her cheeks, her breakfast untouched. Joanna sighed in exasperation. "Come."

"But I'm not dressed." She never thought dressing herself would be so difficult. Her respect for Penny went up a notch.

Joanna shrugged. "You are due to meet with Alpha Aydan now. You will not keep him waiting."

Charlotte sighed again and tossed the hated corset on the ground. Joanna looked down at it, then looked back up at Charlotte, shaking her head. She turned and walked out of the room.

Charlotte thought briefly about staying behind but she had a feeling Joanna wouldn't think twice about turning Charlotte over her knee. The woman would probably enjoy it, she thought ruefully.

She hurried after Joanna, following the woman through the maze of corridors. They stopped at an elaborate wooden door. "Here." Joanna turned and walked away, leaving Charlotte alone.

Charlotte stared at the door in trepidation. She was fully covered, but still in her undergarments. She reminded herself that Lord Aydan had seen her in less and her cheeks heated in embarrassment. She thought about trying to find her way back to her room, but the thought of wandering around in the castle half dressed didn't sit well with her.

The door suddenly opened, and Lord Aydan stood in the doorway staring down at her. "Why are you in your under garments? Are you making me an offer, Charlotte?"

Her cheeks flamed. "Must you be so crude?"

"You're the one who showed up at my door half naked. What am I supposed to think?" He held the door open and Charlotte grudgingly entered his office.

"I wasn't allowed to finish dressing." She wrapped her arms around herself.

"You were given plenty of time to dress and eat, neither of which you accomplished. I'd say that's poor time management, Charlotte." Lord Aydan sat down behind his desk.

Charlotte just glared at him in frustration. She would not cry in front of him today.

"Have a seat," he said, looking back down at his paperwork scattered across his desk.

Charlotte perched on a chair and waited. Finally, he sat his pen down and looked at her. "Is your room comfortable?"

She blinked at his question. "Yes, my lord."

"Call me Alpha," he said, leaning back in his chair.

Charlotte frowned. What an odd title. "Yes... Alpha."

He smiled. "Good. Now I'm sure you would like to know what is going to happen to you."

"I would," Charlotte lifted her chin.

"Ive already told you that I purchased you as a gift," he folded his hands on his desk, leaning towards her.

Charlotte leaned back in her chair and swallowed. "Yes and I'd like to know for whom?" She lifted her chin.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora