Chapter 5

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Days passed and Charlotte and Penny waited to find out their fate. The man from the rowboat, whose name they learned was Jasper, had come three times a day, bringing the girls meals. When Charlotte questioned him about the burning ship, he had just laughed and slammed the door in her face. She hadn't touched her meal and spent the next few days in bed, sobbing her heart out while Penny tried to console her.

Coming to terms with everything had been difficult for Charlotte. She'd gone from being a spoiled Baron's daughter and member of the aristocracy, to a kidnapped orphan.

Finally, Penny convinced her to eat again, and Charlotte faced the inevitable. She was alone. She was glad that her mother had insisted that Penny stay with her, but the loss of her family was almost completely overwhelming.

Charlotte and Penny spent their days either sleeping or reading the many books they found in a chest in the cabin. For Charlotte, the stories were a means of escape from the reality of the disaster her life has become. She ignored the barriers of society and treated Penny like her best friend, chatting openly with her during the day and sharing the bed with her at night. Penny was her only lifeline to her past, and she treasured the maid's company. There were nights when Charlotte had nightmares, seeing her family burning alive aboard the Mary Rose, while she watched, helpless to save them. She would wake up screaming, and Penny would comfort her.

After two weeks in the stuffy cabin, the ship finally docked. Charlotte and Penny waited, holding their breath to see what fate awaited them.

The door finally flew open, and the captain stood in the doorway, staring at them. He stepped aside, and four other men entered the room. Two of them grabbed Charlotte. She screamed and pushed at them, trying to fight them off, but they managed to get her arms behind her back, and tied together with a rope. A cloth sack was thrown over her head and pulled tightly around her neck before she was thrown over a shoulder, the wind knocked out of her as she was carried out.

"Penny!" She screamed over and over, the cry becoming a sob. She lost all sense of bearing after a bit until finally, her feet touched the ground and she went down, falling to her knees. She was immediately jerked to her feet and smacked hard across the face through the sack. Her head reeled back at the blow and her eyes watered.

"Don't damage her," she heard the captain shout.

She was pulled and pushed along, and tried her best to keep her balance. She could tell she was no longer on the ship, and her legs rebelled on dry land, making it difficult to keep herself upright.

After what felt like hours, they came to a stop. She could hear voices, but she couldn't understand what they were saying. Now what?


Roland Seely slowed his horse down as he approached the city. He was in desperate need of a hot bath and a warm bed in that order. He'd been traveling for a week now, and he was sure he looked and smelled like it. He entered the city, and urged his horse to pick up the pace. The slave trade was located in this part of the city, and Roland hated traveling through the area.

The scent of honey and cinnamon caught his attention, and he unknowingly slowed his horse down, as his wolf, Neo, perked up, his tail slowly swishing back and forth in curiosity.

He passed a long wall, and came to a stop at the open gate, glancing inside. Six men were standing around with two women. Both of the women were tied up, and being held by two of the men, while the others stood around talking.

Roland turned his horse into the small courtyard, stopped and dismounted. Of the two women, one was very well dressed, though her clothes look worse than his; while the other was also well dressed, but her clothes were much simpler.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now