Chapter 8

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It took Ali much longer than Roland appreciated for the man to get the money together.

"I do apologize Beta, but getting together that amount of money is not an easy task," Ali murmured, bowing his head as he sat the money down in front of the Beta.

"Thank you Ali. If things go well, I may be back." Roland grabbed the heavy pouch and headed out of the house. His horse had been cared for while he was inside, and was waiting for him now. He mounted it and hurried across town back to the slaver's home.

The slaver came out, surprised to see Roland again. "You've returned."

"Yes, I'm here to purchase the woman. I've brought the requested amount," Roland said.

The slaver smiled. "Come. We will take refreshment, and conduct business."

'I just want to get her and go,' Roland growled internally.

'We must be nice so no harm comes to Mate, but ask to see her first. I smell that she is still here, but make sure she is unharmed' Neo replied, sniffing the air.

"I'd like to see her first," Roland stared at the man.

"As I have stated previously, I am unaware if she is a virgin. Would you prefer to view her naked?" Baki asked.

'Are you sure we can't kill him?' Neo asked.

"No, that is not necessary. I just want the assurance that she is still here and unharmed," Roland said firmly.

Baki nodded. "Very well."


Penny paced the small room in frustration. She was very upset that she had been separated from Charlotte, but she couldn't say she was surprised. Men were greedy, and this man was perhaps the most greedy of them all, selling humans for profit. But she would miss her mistress a great deal. The Baron's family had been good to her, and didn't deserve their fate.

Her thoughts drifted back to the man she'd seen shortly after they'd arrived at the slaver's home. He had come into the courtyard on a white horse, and hadn't taken his eyes off of her. He'd been the most handsome man she'd ever seen, and she was drawn to him like she'd never been drawn to a man before. She'd flirted with the male servants, but she'd never let it go any further than that. She'd never even been kissed.

The sound of the key in the lock had Penny backing up against the wall in fear, as she waited to see what fate awaited her. She realized she might have to go through the same thing Charlotte did. She didn't want to be paraded around naked.

Baki entered the room followed by the man she'd just been thinking of. Her world felt as though it tilted sideways as he looked at her, but he just nodded to Baki, and they left the room.

Penny rushed to the door after them, and yanked at the handle. Still locked. She slumped against it in defeat.

Time passed slowly as she settled down on the floor. The room had no chairs and she had no desire to sit on the table that had been pushed over to the side when the women had first been instructed to clean . She was hungry and exhausted from the long day.

The key in the lock again made her quickly stand and move back over to the wall.

Baki pushed the door open. "Come."

Penny gave a small sigh as she stepped towards him. He led her out of the house and back into the courtyard. The man she'd found so intriguing was standing there with his horse.

"If you find she is not a virgin, I will not take her back," Baki said, walking Penny over to him. "She is your problem now, not mine."

Her steps faltered as she realized what was happening. This man had purchased her? She swallowed as she met his gaze. His was one of concern as he watched her approach him. He glanced at the slaver and nodded. "I'm aware."

Penny stopped in front of him. She hadn't realized how big he was. His shoulders were broad, his arms well muscled. The man could probably break her in two. She avoided his gaze, feeling quite uncertain as to what was happening to her. Why did he want her? And then, something else clicked in her head from the two words he'd said. He was English.

"Come," he said softly to her, holding out a hand. He softly touched her back and tingles erupted up and down her spine. She gasped and stopped, but he was already picking her up and placing her on his horse.

He climbed up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, grabbing the horse's reins, then took off out of the courtyard.

Penny couldn't relax. She had no idea if this man intended ill will towards her or not. She could still feel the pleasurable tingles everywhere they touched, and that confused her even more.

She wondered about her mistress and how she was faring. Penny knew the chances of her ever seeing Charlotte again were non-existent. Her mistress was long gone. All she could hope was that this handsome man would be kind to her. She couldn't hope to be treated as well as she was at the Baron's home, but hopefully this English man wouldn't make her life miserable. She wondered if he had purchased her to be a maid in his home.

Baki telling him that she wasn't a virgin stuck out in her mind. Had he purchased her with the intent to use her body? She chewed on her lip, as nervousness set in. It was what had happened to her mistress. Poor Charlotte. She hoped Lord Aydan would be kind to her.

They had ridden across the city, before the man had finally entered another courtyard, and came to a halt. A young man came out and bowed to them. Her new master slid off the horse, and then reached up to help her down. He turned and headed towards the entrance of the home, and Penny stood there, unsure of what to do. Servants were not allowed in the front door, and slaves.. she'd imagine the same.

He turned back to her. "Come."

It was the only thing he'd said to her so far. She swallowed but stepped forward and followed him into the house.

A man rushed forward to greet them. "Beta! You've returned!" He bowed his head.

Beta? Was that his name? What an odd name for an English man. She saw their host glance over at her curiously.

"You will treat her with the same respect that you treat me as she is mine," he said with authority.

Penny was shocked by his words, and she fought to keep it off of her face. Was Beta a servant or slave too? She hadn't thought so by the way he carried himself. If he was, his master was high in the nobility, given his authority. Then, another thought occurred to her. What if he had purchased her for his master? The thought unsettled her, as she had no idea what his master would be like. She hated not knowing, but then again m, he had said that she was his.

Their host turned to her and bowed deeply, shocking her again and she resisted the urge to bow back. If she was Beta's equal, and he hadn't bowed, then she didn't think she should either. She hated not knowing her place and what the protocol was.

It didn't seem to upset their host that she didn't bow, and he turned back to Beta. "How can I be of service to you this evening, Beta?"

"I would like a place to stay for the night, along with a warm meal. And I would like to borrow a second horse for my return home. My lady will require dress for the trip as well. I will compensate you upon my return."

My lady? For a moment, she wondered who Beta spoke of, but quickly realized he was referring to her. No one has ever referred to her as My Lady before.

Their host nodded in agreement and smiled. "Of course, Beta. My home is your home. I will show you to a room and have a meal sent up."

"Thank you, Ali."

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now