Chapter 34

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Charlotte woke up late the next morning. She rolled over and sighed. She'd actually slept well, and while she had let Caleb have her in the tub, he hadn't touched her intimately once they'd gotten up to her room. He'd just crawled in bed with her and held her close.

For the first time since he'd left, her sleep had been restful and not full of nightmares. But her heart ached. The one thing she had been dreading was now happening. She was being forced to share Caleb with another woman. Her heart was broken.

She honestly wasn't sure why he even wanted to keep her around if he was planning to mate another woman. If that woman was his mate.. but Caleb had referred to her as his chosen mate. Charlotte had read about chosen mates and how the bond between them wasn't as strong.

She wondered why Caleb would want a chosen mate if he had a second chance mate out there somewhere. He'd said she was Sofia's sister. Perhaps she looked like Sofia and that was why he had chosen her. She has no idea how chosen mates were, well, chosen.

Charlotte got out of bed and wrapped her dressing gown around herself. It was chilly in the castle. She looked out the window and realized it had to be close to noon. So much for breakfast.

She dressed quickly and walked into her sitting room. A tray had been left on the table near the door. Charlotte lifted the cover and smiled when she saw a variety of muffins and spreads. She was relieved it was there. She had been hungry for a change, but sitting down there watching Caleb faun over another woman didn't thrill her.

She'd have to get used to it though. She felt like the Alpha's dirty little secret. She finished her meal and left the tray on the table, then walked back into her room.

She settled down on her window seat with her new favorite book, A History of the Alpha King, and began to read.


"Will you go for a run with me, Alpha?"

Caleb looked up at Sonya, who had entered his office. She had been here for two days now but he hadn't really been around her much as he'd been preoccupied with catching up on some paperwork that had accumulated while he was gone.

His mind this afternoon had been on Charlotte and their previous night together. She was looking a bit more rested, but he was upset at how thin she'd gotten. Visions of her naked body the first time he'd laid eyes on her danced through his mind. There was quite a bit of difference between that woman and the woman he'd bedded last night.

At least he knew she was now sleeping well. When he let her. He hadn't been able to get enough of her since he'd returned. He'd let her sleep the first night, but last night, he'd made up for it.

"Sure," Caleb responded. He had brought Sonya here to see if they were compatible and so far, he hadn't even tried to get to know her.

'Because you're not interested,' Storm said.

Caleb stood and put his hand in hers when she offered. It felt wrong but he did it anyway.

They walked outside and into the woods a bit, then she stopped. "Can you help me out of my dress?"

"Sure," Caleb responded, watching her turn around and lift her dark hair out of the way. He made quick work of the buttons, then stepped back.

He watched her slip it off and she stood there before him naked, her eyes inviting. Caleb felt nothing for her, no desire like he did for Charlotte. He preferred Charlotte naked. Sonya could keep her clothes on. "Let me undress."

He stripped his clothes off quickly and shifted immediately before she could get any bright ideas. He saw the disappointment on her face before she shifted herself.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now