Chapter 3

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England, 1667

"Charlotte! Are your trunks packed?" Nine year old Katie James bounced into her older sister's room and plopped down on the bed.

Charlotte James smiled at her little sister. "Yes, the packing is all finished."

Katie clasped her hands together. "I'm so excited for the trip!"

Tomorrow they would board a ship and head to Jamaica. Charlotte's betrothed had a plantation there and her father had also purchased one as well. While she would miss England, she looked forward to the warmer climate, the change in lifestyle, and Lord Randall Branson, Earl of Heathridge, her betrothed. They would marry shortly after she arrived. A grand wedding dress was carefully packed away in one of the many trunks that would accompany them on the trip.

Charlotte had met the Earl two years ago, and he had courted her for the month he had been in England before returning to Jamaica. After that, they had written letters to each other, and Charlotte had become affectionate towards the Earl.

After a year of correspondence, the Earl had returned to England and asked Charlotte's father for her hand in marriage. He had agreed to the match.

Did she love him? She didn't think so, but she hoped she would fall in love with him one day.

For now, she day dreamed of their life together, and the many children she would give him. All of that was within her grasp now. Or so she thought.


The family rose early the next morning to prepare for their departure. Charlotte could barely contain her excitement. Her personal maid, Penny, smiled at her enthusiasm. Charlotte had never been out of England, and this trip and move would be a grand adventure.

"I'm almost finished, Miss," Penny said as she added another pin to Charlotte's blond hair.

"Aren't you excited too?" Penny Young was to accompany the family to Jamaica, and then Charlotte to the Earl's home once they were married. She had no family in England and was happy that she had been given the opportunity. Penny was twenty four, and had been with the Baron's family for ten years, eight of them as Charlotte's personal maid. Penny loved Charlotte like a sister.

"Yes Miss. I am very excited. You'd better go down for breakfast. I'll see to the last remaining items." Penny packed away the rest of the pins and hairbrush.

"Thank you." Charlotte left her room and headed slowly down the staircase. Would she ever return to this place? She gazed at the paintings hanging on the walls as she moved by. Familiar faces, vast landscapes, and old friends gazed back at her. She would miss each and every one. She walked down the staircase and entered the dining room. A footman pulled a chair out for her at the long table and she sat down. Her father was already seated at the table, but her mother and Katie were not in sight.

"Darling, we must eat quickly. The ship leaves the port today at two." The Baron glanced across the table at his eldest. Charlotte was beautiful. Her long golden curly hair was pinned up, and light blue intelligent eyes were set in her heart-shaped face. Her skin was pale and unblemished, her lips full. He hoped he had made the right decision, giving her to the Earl. The man lusted after his daughter, but he hoped he would come to love her. Charlotte was sweet and kind, but she could also be fiesty and assertive, traits that most men would not appreciate. She enjoyed reading and educating herself. The Baron hoped the Earl would come to appreciate these qualities in her. In another lifetime, Charlotte could have been a queen.

"Yes, Papa," she smiled back, as she started to eat.

Once the meal was finished, the servants cleared the table, preparing to close the house up. Some would accompany the family to Jamaica, and a small skeleton group would maintain the ancestral home in England. The townhouse in London had been sold off a few months ago.

The family boarded the carriage an hour later and the trip to the port began.

Charlotte stared out the window, watching the home she had grown up in fade into the trees. Sadness swept over her. Why did she feel like she would never see this place again? Her mother took her hand and patted it gently, sensing Charlotte's nostalgia.

A second carriage carrying the servants followed the family, and a wagon carrying the remaining belongings followed behind that carriage. Most of their things had been shipped to Jamaica in the previous weeks, including a few servants who would prepare the newly purchased house for their arrival. More servants would be hired once they were settled in Jamaica.

The carriage ride took about three hours. Her sister, Katie kept up a constant flow of chatter. "Charlotte, when you marry the Earl, will we ever see you again?"

Charlotte tore her gaze from the window and looked at her sister. "Don't be silly. Of course you will see me again."

Katie visibly relaxed, and Charlotte took pity on her. "You can even come visit me at the Earl's home."

Katie's face lit up. "Truely?"

Charlotte smiled at her. "Truely."

"Do you think the Earl's home is grand?" Katie asked.

"I'm sure it is," Charlotte mused. She had asked the Earl about his home in one of her letters and he had taken the time to describe it to her in great detail, something that had impressed her. The Earl was an excellent letter writer. If he was half as good at being a husband, she'd be happy.

They arrived at the port an hour before the ship was due to depart and Charlotte once again was unable to peel her eyes from the window as she took in the sights and smells. Tall ships were anchored near the docks, small fishing boats were visible not far from the coast, and the smell of fish and saltwater assaulted her nose. The docks were busy with people everywhere, some unloading cargo, while others loaded it. Fishermen were selling their catch after a morning out.

The carriage arrived near their ship, the Mary Rose, and the family stepped out. They boarded the ship, and were shown to their quarters. Charlotte's mother had already told the girls that they would be spending most of their time in their rooms, so they were not in the way. But occasionally, they would be allowed to venture up on deck.

The Baron had secured three rooms for the trip. One for his female servants, one for him and his wife, and one for his daughters. Penny would sleep on a small cot in the girls room and attend to both of them, while the male servants would sleep with the crew below deck.

The room was small but clean, decorated in shades of blue. Charlotte looked out one of the portholes. The ocean stretched in front of her, beckoning her to a new adventure. She smiled, glad that even in her room, she'd at least have a view.

They headed back up on deck as the ship finally left the port and headed out to sea. Charlotte watched as England receded further and further away. She sighed, feeling nostalgic. How long would it be before she visited these shores again?

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