Chapter 39

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Caleb sighed as he ran his hands through his hair. He had been busy since he'd gotten up this morning.

He'd had a bunch of paperwork that had to be finished over the execution of Sonya, and he'd had an Alpha from northern Ireland show up on his territory right after breakfast.

Caleb had been surprised to see Charlotte at breakfast. She'd still been asleep when he'd left her bed that morning.

His mother had given him THAT look over where Charlotte was seated but he'd ignored her. For now. He needed to talk to Charlotte first.

Then, Alpha Omar had showed up mid-morning, which had annoyed Caleb even further. The Alpha hadn't been able to make it during the Summit as one of his concubines was giving birth. Caleb didn't see how the man kept concubines. The Alpha had a fated mate as well, and the thought of even touching Sonya had made Caleb sick to his stomach. He wasn't even sure how he ever thought he was going to pup Sonya.

His thoughts went to Charlotte and the miscarriage she had gone through. He hadn't even had a chance to discuss it with her yet. Guilt washed over him. He desperately needed to talk to her. He didn't need the constant distractions.

Alpha Omar had brought his eldest daughter with him, which was the part that he found annoying. Her name was Dalila and she was nineteen and unmated. Dalila was quite beautiful and well aware of it. Caleb had last seen her when she was seventeen, when she had flirted shamelessly with him.

He plastered a smile on his face as she greeted him, bowing low. "Alpha! It's SO good to see you again!"

Caleb glanced up at Ragnar who was smirking at him. Can you do something with her?

I don't hump she-wolves. For precisely this reason.

He knew that but still. Take one for the Kingdom.

Ragnar gave a very slight shake of his head.

Caleb sighed. He knew Ragnar had been seeing a human girl from a nearby village. The wolf would occasionally disappear for a few hours.

"Good to see you Dalila," Caleb said.

"It's been much too long, Alpha." She smiled flirtatiously at him.

Caleb groaned to himself. He did NOT need this right now.

Dalila insisted on sitting in on the meetings he conducted with her father, even though Caleb could tell she was bored out of her mind.

The Alpha from Ireland joined them and he and Alpha Omar began to speak about things that didn't concern Caleb, allowing him to focus his thoughts elsewhere. As usual, they went to Charlotte. He really needed to see her.

"So what have you been up to, Alpha Caleb?" Dalila asked him suddenly, interrupting his thoughts. Her father and Alpha Liam were across the room, talking and Dalila had moved from the couch to stand next to him. She placed a hand on his shoulder, and Caleb longed to rip it off.

"Alpha duties," he replied vaguely.

"I've heard you're looking for a chosen mate." Dalila moved so that she was leaning against his desk.

"Actually, I'm not," Caleb told her.

Dalila frowned. "But don't you need an heir?"

Caleb felt the pain in his heart over her words. I just lost my heir. "One day. I've got plenty of time."

She smiled at him. "No one lives forever."

I can. He just shrugged.

"Alpha." Alpha Omar bowed his head to Caleb. "I am going to travel north to Ireland with Alpha Rory in the morning."

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now