Chapter 35

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Sonya slipped her arm through Caleb's the next afternoon as he walked her into the dining hall. She scanned the room quickly looking for her.

Sonya spotted her sitting at a table near the end, chatting with a she-wolf. She wore a rose colored gown that complimented her complexion. Her blond curls were swept up, showing off her neck.

Sonya clung tighter to Caleb as she walked past her. It annoyed her that Caleb had not touched her yet. She knew that if he bedded her, he'd never touch that whore ever again.

She settled down at the head table, and lifted her chin. At least she was seated next to him at meals, though she was still annoyed that he hadn't come to the evening meal yesterday.

She'd flirted with his Gamma then, laying the groundwork to get in his bed as well.

Sonya stared out over the dining hall, her gaze darting back to Caleb's whore. She was definitely going to find a way to get rid of her. She smiled to herself, glad that it was all coming together. She just needed to find a way to get Caleb in her bed to ensure that he took her as his chosen mate.


A week passed, and Caleb was starting to really despise Sonya. The woman had tried to seduce him numerous times, and he was frankly sick of it.

He had found her in his office, naked, her body splayed across his desk. He'd had to lock her out of his bath house as he'd found her in there more than once.

He knew she'd snuck into Ragnar's bed, and had even tried to seduce Roland. He was fairly certain she wasn't a virgin and had pretty much decided that would be his reason for not taking her as his chosen. He could not mate a woman who might be pregnant with someone else's pup.

Caleb had spent every night with Charlotte. He couldn't get enough of her. She was looking better. She'd gained some weight and had been sleeping much better. He'd made sure that she ate, sending food up to her room if she didn't attend a meal.

Alpha, the previous king and queen are here, Lillian suddenly linked him.

Caleb groaned. The last thing he needed to throw into this mess was his parents. He sighed.

Ragnar, where are you?  He linked his Gamma. He needed to inform his parents of what all was going on and Ragnar could help with that.

In the library with Charlotte, came the reply a moment later.

Leave her there. I need you in my office.


Alpha?  Lillian linked him again.

Caleb groaned. He'd forgotten to respond. Send them to my office.


"Charlotte, I gotta go to a meeting real quick. Will you be okay here?" Ragnar stood at the end of the aisle where Charlotte was looking over the titles on the bookshelf.

She turned to him and smiled. "I'll be fine."

Ragnar nodded. She was looking better since Caleb had come home. She'd been eating regularly and no longer had the dark circles under her eyes. He wondered how things were going between her and Caleb, and how much she knew about Sonya.

He left the library and stopped, standing there for a moment, an uneasy feeling passing through him. Alpha, I don't know if I should leave Charlotte alone.

It won't be long.

Ragnar sighed and headed down the hall towards Caleb's office.

Caleb was seated behind his desk. "My parents are here, and I'm about to apprise them of everything. I cannot take Sonya as a chosen mate."

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora