Chapter 15

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Charlotte stared at Aydan in disbelief. She would never have guessed he was a werewolf. He was.. nice. Non-threatening. She studied him closely. He didn't look like a werewolf, not that she had any idea what a werewolf looked like. She thought they would be more.. hairy. But Aydan was an incredibly handsome man. "You look so... normal."

He laughed. "Hardly."

"Do the others that live here know?"

"Yes, everyone knows. Everyone here is one." She'd calmed down quite a bit once he'd told her he was one, he noticed. The woman was a wonder. Apparently she didn't view him as threatening, just annoying.

"So, you can change into a wolf?" Now that Charlotte was calm, her curiosity was peaked.

"I can," he replied. "Would you like to see?"

Her eyes grew round as saucers. "Now?"

"Yes," he smiled at her. "My wolf won't hurt you. He actually really likes you."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "How do you know?"

"We're like two halves to a whole. I can hear him and feel him inside my head," he explained.

"Can I pet him?"

Aydan laughed. "Yes, you can. Now I'm going to warn you, when I shift, it's going to sound painful. It's not though." He stood up and began to disrobe. "If I don't take my clothing off before I shift, they will be shredded," he explained as he finished undressing.

Charlotte looked away quickly in shock. He'd just disrobed in front of her! He could have at least given her some kind of warning. A small part of her wanted to look back up at him though, not that she would ever admit it. He was a fine specimen of a man. She closed her eyes until the sound of cracking bones filled the room, and she couldn't help but take a peek back at him.

To her amazement, a large brown wolf stood before her. She took a deep breath, forcing back the fear she started to feel as the large creature sat down. She stared at him for a moment, then made herself stand up. If this was to be her life, she needed to grow comfortable with all of this.

She approached the large beast slowly, holding out a hand. He looked at it, and huffed at her. Had she insulted him?

Her fingers touched his large chest. The fur was soft and she stroked it, intrigued. He made a small noise deep in his chest that almost sounded like a purr.

His brown eyes stared at her, watching her carefully as she gently stroked him. Finally, she moved away and sat back down.

The sound of cracking bones again filled the room as Aydan shifted back to his human form.

Charlotte quickly looked away as he began to dress. "You can look up now, but you'd better get over your prudish ways. Living in a wolf pack, you will see naked people quite a bit."

She blushed bright red, and hurried to change the subject. "You're sure that doesn't hurt?"

His laugh filled the room. "Not at all. Though I'll admit it did when I first started shifting. We don't have our first shift until we turn sixteen."

Charlotte nodded. That was a little disappointing. Little werewolf pups would be adorable, she imagined. Or would they even call them pups? She suddenly found herself with a million questions.

"I'm sure you have questions, but there are certain things I still need to tell you before you ask me anything," he said.

"More shocking than what you have already told me?" She raised her eyebrows at him. She couldn't imagine anything else more shocking than what she had already learned.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now