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One year later

"Are you done with me?" Charlotte asked Caleb as he crawled in bed behind her.

He laughed. "Maybe." He wrapped his arms around her and placed them on her very pregnant belly, gently kissing his mark. He knew she was tired.

Charlotte smiled, curling back into him. "I might surprise you and wake you up later."

He chuckled. "I wouldn't mind that." He ran his hands gently over her stomach, feeling for his pup, and was rewarded with a kick.

"Don't get her started," Charlotte muttered tiredly.

"He's just showing me how strong he is," Caleb replied, softly. The midwife seemed to think they were having a boy, and she was rarely wrong.

Charlotte hummed quietly and then her breathing changed, signaling that she was asleep.

Caleb closed his eyes, thinking over the last year. Charlotte had officially become his queen. He still couldn't believe he had almost not taken her as his mate. He'd gone through such a dark time in his life before she had shown up, burning brightly and leading him back to himself and her. He'd almost extinguished that flame, and it had taken him a while to forgive himself.

Charlotte had settled in well to her life. She still had nightmares ever once in a while, but they were few and far between. She loved being in his pack, and his pack loved her. Charlotte didn't mind helping out in the kitchens or anywhere else that was needed. She spent her spare time in the library, and Caleb was fairly certain she'd read more books in there than he had.

While they still shared the south tower, Charlotte slept in his bed every night now. She rarely even entered her own room, telling him it held a lot of dark memories for her. He hated to think how he'd contributed to them.

Alpha, you have a visitor.

Caleb opened his eyes and groaned. At this time of night? Not that it was late. He and Charlotte had come up to their room right after dinner and he'd spent a good hour making love to her.

Caleb slipped out of the bed, making sure that Charlotte was covered. It was chilly. I'll be down in a few.

Caleb walked into the sitting room twenty minutes later and was surprised to see an old friend of his, someone he hadn't seen in a few years. "How are you, William?"

William stood and bowed. He'd aged quite a bit in that time, Caleb noticed, his eyes tired. "I'm well."

Caleb poured him a brandy and watched his old friend down it very quickly. The man looked up at him. "You look well, much better than the last time I saw you."

Caleb sighed. The last time he'd seen William, he'd been mourning Sofia still and contemplating his own demise. Caleb had done business with William more than once and he liked the fact that the man was honest to a fault. William was one of the few humans that knew of Caleb's true nature.

"I have a new mate," Caleb told him, taking a sip of his own brandy.

"Congratulations are in order," William said.

Caleb poured him another brandy and they toasted in honor of his new queen.

"So what can I do for you William?" Caleb asked.

"I know I have told you about my family, and I do believe I mentioned that I was purchasing a plantation in Jamaica the last time we spoke. I know it's been awhile," William stared hard at Caleb, who nodded. He didn't remember, but he just vaguely remembered the last time they'd done business.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now