Chapter 16

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Roland's home was splendid and Penny couldn't look away from it as they came upon the sprawling castle. They had been on Roland's lands, lands which he referred to as "pack lands" for a while now.

The couple had left the ship yesterday and Penny had chosen to ride horses the rest of the way home, foregoing the carriage, as it would be much quicker. She was very tired of traveling and Roland had told her that they wouldn't go anywhere for a while so she could rest and recover.

She had started to regret her decision a few hours into the trip as her body began to protest being jostled around so roughly. When she almost fell off while dismounting, Roland had insisted that she ride with him the rest of the way. She had secretly been glad for that. Everything was just so much better in his arms. She even ached less.

Penny was falling for Roland. Part of her hoped she didn't regret it as she was still nervous that he would change once they reached his home, but so far, he'd been nothing but kind to her.

While he'd become a bit more relaxed with her, sensing that she was starting to relax around him, laughing and occasionally touching her, he never touched her inappropriately. His touches were generally on her arms or sometimes her face and he had even held her hand a few times

The night he slept in her bed on the ship, he had kept his distance. He could have easily taken advantage of the situation but he didn't. She'd been startled to wake up the next morning on his side of the bed cuddled up against him. She'd apologized but he had just laughed about the situation, wrapped an arm around her and held her for a bit before they finally got up. It had been nice being held like that.

She was feeling apprehensive when they arrived at the castle. What would these people think of her? She was a human, and a slave to the Beta. But to her surprise, everyone seemed extremely excited about her. Penny found herself engulfed in a few embraces before Roland asked everyone to back off, not wanting to overwhelm her. They hadn't even made it inside the castle yet

He left the horses with a young man, then took her hand in his, something she was thankful for. Roland had become her security as she entered into a world she didn't know or fully understand. They walked over to the entrance and were met by a blond man with piercing blue eyes who greeted then happily.

"I heard you found your mate," the blonde man said excitedly, patting Roland on his back roughly

"I did," Roland exclaimed turning towards Penny. "Penny, this is Ragnar. He is the gamma or third in command. If you ever need anything and I'm not around, go to Ragnar. He will keep you safe or I'll kill him."

Penny looked up at Roland in surprise then glanced at the blond giant of a man. He didn't seem at all phased by Roland's words as he bowed his head to her. "My lady, welcome to Regal Eclipse."

He stepped out of the way, allowing Roland and Penny to enter the castle. "Where's Caleb?" Roland called back over his shoulder.

"Where do you think?" Ragnar responded.

Roland didn't reply and instead led Penny through a maze of corridors until they arrived at a door. He opened it and led her inside of a large bedroom. The room was simple but comfortable and she immediately relaxed.

"There are already wolves here for the Summit. I have called Lillian here to meet you. She is going to be helping you and taking care of you. Unfortunately because of the Summit I'm going to be in and out but I want you to have someone here for you that you can trust and who will show you where you need to go and get you anything you need." He closed the distance between them and placed his hands on her upper arms, then leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

Penny nodded. "Are you leaving now?" She had expected this as he had told her that he would be stretched a little thin over the next few weeks until the Summit was over. He had already apologized to her but she understood the demands and had told him she would be fine. She wasn't sure she would be fine but she would be brave for him.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now