Chapter 37

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Charlotte slowly wandered down the path through the woods. She could feel the warmth of the sun peeking through the trees as she walked. The scent of flowers wafted towards her every once in a while. It was the first time she'd been outside unaccompanied in a very long time.

She wandered along, enjoying the beauty of the flowers and trees and wondered how in the world she'd gotten here.

Suddenly a gray and white wolf walked out of the woods and stopped several feet away. 'Hello Charlotte.'

The voice sounded in her head as she stared at the wolf, watching to see what it would do.

'I'm not going to attack you.'

"Are.. are you the wolf?" Charlotte asked tentatively.

'I am.' The wolf sat down.

"How is this possible?"

'Well, you're dreaming. But I am your wolf.'

"I don't have a wolf. I'm human." Was she dreaming that she was a werewolf?

'Yes and no. I can hear your thoughts my dear. You are dreaming, but I am also very real. You're very much asleep right now while your body is healing,' the wolf said calmly.

Charlotte stared at her in shock. "I don't understand."

'Do you remember seeing Sonya in the library?'

Charlotte was quiet for a moment, trying to remember. Ragnar had taken her to the library and got called away. She'd been looking through a book when Sonya had scared her, and then tried to befriend her.

'She wasn't trying to befriend us, Charlotte. She caused us to fall down the stairs,' the wolf explained patiently.

"I don't remember that," Charlotte admitted.

'Your mind has blocked it out. The fall caused you to have a miscarriage.'

"What?" She placed her hands over her belly. "I was pregnant?"

'Yes,' the wolf said forlornly.

Charlotte sank to the ground as tears fell. Another loss. She couldn't bear much more. The wolf came over and laid beside her, placing her head in Charlotte's lap.

'It'll be okay, Charlotte. We'll have more pups,' the wolf licked her hand.

"Caleb will be angry," she murmured. "He needs an heir."

'No. He blames himself.'

"How do you know?" Charlotte wiped at the tears.

'Because while you are sleeping, he is here with us, and I can hear him talking to you. He blames himself for all of this.' The wolf sighed.

"But why?"

'Charlotte, Caleb is our mate,' the wolf said quietly.

"What? I'm his second chance mate?" Charlotte was startled by this revelation.

'He had a mate before us?' the wolf lifted her head and looked at Charlotte.

"Yes. A little over five years ago. She was killed," Charlotte told the wolf.

'That explains a lot. He was guarding his heart from being broken again. His own wolf has barely spoken to him. Hold on.' The wolf grew quiet in Charlotte's mind for several moments.

"What are you doing?" Charlotte asked.

'Looking through your memories.'

"Those are private." Charlotte blushed.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now