Chapter 36

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Ragnar hurried back to the library as the bad feeling he'd had earlier grew. He opened the door and stopped. "Charlotte?"

He took a deep breath and frowned. Sonya. He'd recognize the scent of that annoying she-wolf anywhere after she'd laid on his bed. He'd had to strip it and air out his mattress to get rid of her stench.

Ragnar spotted Charlotte laying on the ground and hurried over to her. "Charlotte?"

He knelt down next to her and saw the odd angle of her arm. The smell of blood filled his nostrils and he glanced down to see blood on her skirt. He frowned and mind linked the pack doctor to come to the library, then Caleb.

Caleb was there first and he immediately hurried over to them, "What happened?"

"She fell down the steps," Ragnar said calmly and glanced at Caleb. The Alpha's eyes were flickering, and Caleb decided to call Ranald.

The doctor hurried in and began to check her over just as Ranald and Melinda walked in.

Both men pulled Caleb back. "What happened?" Ranald asked as they watched the doctor look her over.

"She fell down the steps." Ragnar kept a tight hold on Caleb. He could feel how tense the Alpha was.

"I'm pretty sure the only thing broken is her arm." The doctor glanced up at the men. "But I think she's having a miscarriage."

Caleb tried to surge forward at that as a growl tore through him, and his father and Gamma struggled to hold him back. The doctor looked up in surprise, and frowned.

"Call the midwife," Melinda said, concern for her son making her take control. "She needs moved to the infirmary. Caleb, you need to get a hold of yourself and Storm so you can move her." Melinda laid her hand on his chest and Caleb looked down at her. A lone tear trickled down his cheek. "For her."

He took a deep breath and walked over to Charlotte. He gathered her in his arms, overly aware of the tingles, then followed the doctor out of the library.

Ranald turned to Ragnar. "What's her name?"

"Charlotte. She's his..." he stopped, not wanting to call her his concubine.

"Second chance mate," Melinda finished for him.

Ragnar looked at her and his mouth dropped open. "How did I miss that?" he asked. Thinking back, it seemed so obvious now, with the way Caleb's personality had completely changed once Charlotte had entered his life. For the life of him though, he couldn't figure out why Caleb hadn't told anyone, and at the very least, why she hadn't been inducted into the pack. Instead he'd held her at a distance all of this time. His anger at Caleb grew.

"You're too close to the situation," Ranald said, patting his shoulder.

"Things have been chaotic here," Ragnar said. "But I know who was in here with Charlotte. Sonya."

They both looked at him in surprise. "You think?" Melinda asked.

Ragnar nodded. "Her scent is all over this room. We'll find out for sure."


Caleb paced the floor, trying to control himself and his wolf as the doctor worked on Charlotte. The midwife was busy delivering a baby and promised to come as soon as she could.

Charlotte was deathly pale and Caleb was scared for her. What had he been thinking, about to take another woman as his chosen mate? Charlotte was so perfect, and yet he'd been ready to take another.

He'd had no idea she was pregnant either, and he wondered if she had known. If he lost her...

The door flew open and the midwife walked in. "Move."

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now