The Return

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Oliver slammed to the ground with a hard thud. Immediately, the triumphant music played, and the crowd erupted in cheers as they caught sight of him.

"Our brave champions have returned!" Dumbledore's voice boomed through the intercom, igniting even more jubilation among the crowd.

Yet, in that moment, Oliver didn't feel brave or like a champion. His tear-filled eyes were fixed on his deceased brother's face.

The cheers and music continued for a few more moments until, gradually, people began to notice that Henry lay motionless.

"Oliver!" Dumbledore exclaimed as he made his way toward him. He attempted to pry Oliver away from Henry's lifeless body.

"NO! GET OFF ME!" Oliver's voice filled with anguish as he fought against Dumbledore, unwilling to let go of his brother.

He flung his body over Henry's.

"What happened?" Dumbledore inquired, concern etched deeply in his voice.

"He... He..." Oliver struggled to speak, his trembling voice mixed with choked sobs. Tears streamed down his face, falling like a torrential waterfall.

Hermione hurriedly rushed over, but her steps halted abruptly as she caught sight of Henry's lifeless form. A gasp escaped her lips, and she instinctively covered her mouth in shock.

"What's going on? What happened?" Cornelius Fudge questioned as he approached Oliver, his expression quickly turning pallid upon seeing Henry's motionless body. "Dear God!" he uttered.

Hermione swiftly noticed a large blood trail surrounding Oliver. "Oliver, is that your blood?" she asked, dropping down to her knees to examine him closely.

"Tell me what happened," Dumbledore repeated, his voice filled with both urgency and concern.

Oliver remained silent, his gaze fixed on Henry's lifeless face as he trembled uncontrollably.

Reacting with compassion, Hermione wrapped her arms tightly around Oliver, drawing him into a comforting embrace. "It's okay. You're safe now. You're home," she whispered softly into his ear, her voice filled with reassurance.

"He's back," Oliver finally managed to utter, his voice filled with raw anguish. "Voldemort is back. He... he killed him!" His words hung heavy in the air, driving home the gravity of the situation and the weight of the loss they all now faced.

A collective gasp escaped the spectators in the stands upon hearing Oliver's chilling revelation.

"Keep everyone in their seats," Cornelius Fudge firmly instructed Snape and Hagrid, concern etched across his face as he surveyed the crowd.

"We have to move the body, Dumbledore! There are too many people here," Fudge urgently asserted, his voice laced with a sense of impending danger.

"NO, DON'T TOUCH HIM!" Oliver's voice cracked with pure rage, his expression contorted with a mixture of grief and fury. He vehemently barked at Fudge, fiercely protecting the memory of his fallen brother. The intensity of his emotions reverberated through the air, leaving an uncomfortable silence in its wake.

"There's nothing we can do for him now," Dumbledore said solemnly, shattering the heavy silence that enveloped them.

In the stands, Cho's sobs grew increasingly loud and inconsolable, echoing through the arena.

"LET ME THROUGH!" A familiar voice cried out, piercing through the heart-wrenching scene. It was Oliver's mother, desperately rushing towards them with anguish etched onto her face. Oliver couldn't bear the thought of meeting his mother's gaze, overwhelmed with guilt and devastation.

The Goblet Of Fire - Hermione Granger x OC Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang