The Attack

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Oliver was back at the tent, still riding high on adrenaline from the incredible spectacle he had just witnessed. The electrifying atmosphere of the Quidditch match lingered in his mind, fueling his excitement.

"There's no one like Krum! He's like a bird, soaring through the wind. He's more than an athlete; he's an artist," Isabella declared loudly, her voice brimming with admiration.

"Awe, I think you're in love, sis," Henry chimed in, sitting at the table in the kitchen.

"You're damn right I am! Did you see his muscles? They're bigger than my whole body!"

As their conversation filled the tent, the energy became contagious, and everyone joined in the Krum adulation. The chants of "Krum! Krum! Krum!" echoed through the tent, each repetition growing louder and more fervent, like a magical incantation dedicated to the phenomenal seeker.

Oliver couldn't help but be swept up in the enthusiasm. The camaraderie and shared excitement of the moment made him feel like part of a passionate community, connected by their love for the game and the awe-inspiring talents of Victor Krum.

Suddenly, they heard a loud boom coming from outside, a sound so powerful that it practically shook the whole tent.

"Wow, those Irish really know how to party, don't they?" Ron commented.

"No!" Mr. Weasley shouted, bursting into the tent, his voice full of urgency. "It's not the Irish. We need to get out of here, now!"

The sense of panic in Mr. Weasley's voice sent a wave of concern rippling through the tent. Oliver's heart raced as he locked eyes with Isabella, their shared fear mirrored in each other's expressions.

Without wasting another moment, they all scrambled to gather their belongings, their hands trembling with unease. The jovial atmosphere that had filled the tent just moments ago dissipated, replaced by a frantic sense of urgency and the echo of Mr. Weasley's warning ringing in their ears.

As they hurried out of the tent, Oliver couldn't help but steal a glimpse of the chaos outside. The once vibrant celebration had transformed into a scene of mayhem, with smoke billowing into the sky and flames licking at the edges of nearby structures.

"Everyone, back to the Portkey now! And stick together!" Mr. Weasley yelled urgently as he ran into the chaos. Harry and Ron wasted no time as they took off towards the Portkey.

Oliver hesitated for a moment, conflicting thoughts racing through his mind. He couldn't abandon Hermione and Cho, not when they had gone to check out the gift shop just moments ago.

Henry, sensing Oliver's hesitation, pulled on his arm, his voice filled with urgency. "Come on, we gotta go!"

Oliver's heart pounded in his chest as he looked back, his mind torn between leaving Hermione behind and ensuring Isabella's safety. But his loyalty and determination prevailed.

"No, Henry. I can't leave them behind," Oliver shouted through the chaos. "Hermione and Cho are still out there!"

Henry tried to reason with him."Oliver, there's nothing we'll be able to do for them now. We need to get to safety."

But Oliver's resolve remained unyielding. "I'm going after them. Make sure Isabella gets to safety," he declared, his voice filled with determination.

Without waiting for any further protest, Oliver sprinted back into the chaos, his heart pounding with each step.

"God dammit, Oliver!" Henry yelled in frustration. "Will that kid ever listen to me?"

"Is he going to be okay?" Isabella asked, her eyes filled with worry.

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