The Hogwarts Champion

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"Now, the moment you've all been waiting for!" Dumbledore announced to the students who had gathered around the Goblet of Fire, his voice ringing with excitement. "It's time for the selection of champions!"

An eruption of cheers filled the room, a tangible energy pulsating through the air as Dumbledore extended his hand towards the captivating Goblet.

As if responding to his command, the Goblet swiftly transformed in a dazzling array of colors before shooting out a small, fluttering piece of paper. The room fell into an anticipatory hush as Dumbledore deftly caught the paper in his hand. Every eye in the room was fixed on him, the tension palpable, as they anxiously awaited the revelation.

"The Durmstrang champion is..." Dumbledore began, his words trailing off momentarily as he let the anticipation build to its climax, "Victor Krum!"

Everyone started cheering, followed by chants of "Krum! Krum! Krum!" as Victor walked up and shook Dumbledore's hand.

Isabella, sitting next to Oliver, cheered the loudest out of anyone. Her enthusiasm was so infectious that Oliver thought he might go deaf listening to her powerful voice resonating through the room.

The goblet quickly shot out another piece of paper, which Dumbledore swiftly caught. "The champion of Beauxbatons is... Fleur Delacour!"

The room erupted into cheer once again, the enthusiasm of the students reaching new heights as Fleur gracefully made her way to the front, her presence commanding attention. Her elegant strides and radiant smile exuded a quiet confidence that instantly captured the hearts of those gathered around.

As Fleur approached Dumbledore, the cheers intensified, a wave of appreciation and awe washing over the crowd. Oliver couldn't help but marvel at the bravery displayed by the young woman, choosing to participate in this daunting tournament alongside Victor Krum.

"And now, last but certainly not least, our Hogwarts champion!" Dumbledore shouted, hyping everyone up.

Henry sat eagerly in his seat, his heart pounding with anticipation. Oliver, sensing his nervous energy, patted him on the back in a show of support. Isabella, brimming with excitement, grasped Henry's hand tightly, intertwining their fingers.

The room fell into a hushed silence, all eyes fixated on the Goblet of Fire as it prepared to reveal the final champion. Henry's mind raced with a mixture of hope and trepidation, unsure of what fate had in store for him.

In one final burst of brilliance, the goblet shot out a paper, which Dumbledore skillfully caught. "The Hogwarts champion is... Henry Montclair!"

Henry's face flushed with a mixture of shock and elation. He felt a surge of confidence pumping through his veins.

Everyone was chanting "Henry! Henry! Henry!" as he made his way to the front to shake Dumbledore's hand.

The room reverberated with echoes of Henry's name, each chant growing louder and more fervent than the last. The sheer magnitude of support was overwhelming, and Henry couldn't help but be swept up in the wave of enthusiasm that encapsulated him.

As he approached Dumbledore, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nerves, Cho suddenly appeared beside him. With an exuberant hug and a gentle kiss on the cheek, Cho melted away any lingering doubts or apprehensions. Her support, mixed with the resounding cheers of their classmates, amplified Henry's confidence.

Feeling emboldened by the love and adulation surrounding him, Henry turned around to face the crowd, throwing his arms in the air with a triumphant flourish. The cheers intensified, each voice pouring out with the vigor of unwavering belief. It was a defining moment for Henry, a tidal wave of validation crashing over him.

The Goblet Of Fire - Hermione Granger x OC Where stories live. Discover now