The Portkey

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It was the morning of the big Quidditch Cup. Oliver had finally gone over to Ron's burrow, as Ron had been trying to get him to do for years now. He had spent the night there, along with Harry. Oliver woke up to someone nudging him.

"Oliver! Wake up!"

Oliver opened his eyes and saw Hermione standing there, her face filled with excitement.

"Hermione?" he said, still a bit groggy from sleep.

"That's right, cutie," Hermione replied. "It's time to get up."

Oliver sat up, allowing the covers to fall off his body.

"Oh my, Ollie. I didn't know you were so muscular," Hermione exclaimed, her voice filled with admiration as she gazed at Oliver's physique.

Oliver chuckled, feeling a mixture of flattery and amusement, as he stood up on his feet. He leaned in and gave Hermione a gentle kiss on the lips.

"Ron's mother said breakfast is almost ready."

"Great, tell them I'll be down in a minute," Oliver replied, reaching into his bag and pulling out fresh clothes to change into.

Quickly swapping his attire, Oliver joined everyone downstairs for breakfast. The bustling kitchen was filled with the mouthwatering aroma of Mrs. Weasley's cooking. They all gathered around the table, relishing in a hearty and delicious meal, fueling themselves for the eventful day ahead.

Once they finished eating, they gathered their belongings and prepared to make their way to the Quidditch Cup. Oliver turned to Ron, adjusting the strap of his bag on his shoulder.

"So, how exactly are we getting there?"

"Not sure," Ron said. He called out to his father, who was busying himself with a few last-minute tasks.

"Hey, Dad! Where are we going?"

Mr. Weasley turned to them, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "Haven't the foggiest, but keep up!"

"That's reassuring," Harry said under his breath, a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

They walked in silence for quite a while until they spotted Cho, accompanied by Henry and Isabella. Oliver noticed the relieved look on Ron's face as he caught sight of Cho in the distance.

"Hello there," Cho greeted warmly as they approached.

"Ah, yes. You must be Cho, am I correct?" Mr. Weasley asked, extending a hand to shake hers.

"Yup," she smiled, shaking Mr. Weasley's hand. She then turned to Harry and Ron, waving enthusiastically. "I assume you are Harry and Ron?"

"Yup," Harry responded, returning the wave with a lopsided smile.

Ron, on the other hand, was struck dumb, his heart skipping a beat as he was overcome by Cho's beauty. His normally witty and loquacious nature was temporarily lost as he struggled to find the right words to reply.

"So, you know how to get us there?" Mr. Weasley asked Cho with a curious expression.

"Yup! My father set up a portkey for us not too far from here."

Oliver, intrigued by this unfamiliar term, couldn't help but inquire, "What's a portkey?"

Cho smiled."You'll see, Oliver."

They walked a little bit further until their eyes fell upon a rusty boot perched atop a small hill.

"Here we are," Cho said.

Oliver, skeptical and curious, couldn't help but voice his doubts. "How's a boot gonna get us there?" he questioned.

"Oh, you'll see, dear boy," Mr. Weasley reassured, patting Oliver on the back with a reassuring smile. "Alright, everyone, gather around."

They all huddled close to the mysterious portkey - the rusted boot that held their passage to the Quidditch Cup. Their hands reached out, fingers intertwining with the worn leather, feeling the pulsating energy that thrummed beneath their skin.

Mr. Weasley took the lead, counting down with excitement in his voice. "On the count of three! One... two... three!"

With those words, they were whisked away, the world blurring into a whirlwind of colors and sensations, as the portkey activated.

Oliver felt his world spinning as he was teleported to a new location, crashing down hard on the ground. Everyone groaned in pain, feeling the impact of their sudden arrival. However, Cho and Mr. Weasley somehow managed to float down gracefully, leaving Oliver and the others slightly envious.

"I bet that cleared your sinuses," Mr. Weasley said.

Oliver groaned as he regained his balance and quickly extended an arm to help Hermione, who was still lying on the ground.

She smiled gratefully and said, "Thanks," as she accepted his help.

"What if I needed help up, huh?" Henry joked, brushing off the dirt from his clothes as he too rose to his feet.

Oliver chuckled and playfully retorted, "You're a big boy, aren't you?"

Soon, they arrived at the Quidditch World Cup. People bustled everywhere, and the upbeat music echoed through the air, creating an atmosphere of excitement. Above the arena, they could see the players engaged in intense practice sessions before the big game.

"Well, kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" Mr. Weasley exclaimed, turning back towards them and throwing his arms up in excitement.

"This is truly spectacular," Harry exclaimed in awe as he looked around, taking in the bustling crowd and the grandeur of the event.

"Now, if you'll follow me, I will guide you to our tent. Stay close now!" Mr. Weasley said, his voice slightly muffled by the noise of the bustling crowd.

People were scattered everywhere, filling every inch of the space, making it difficult for Oliver to move. Sensing Hermione's growing nervousness, he reached out and gently grabbed her hand, offering comfort and support. Together, they navigated through the sea of bodies, weaving carefully to avoid collisions and pushing through the dense crowd.

Finally, as their determined strides brought them through the gigantic and packed crowd, the sight of their tent came into view.

"Home sweet home," Mr. Weasley said, a wide grin on his face, as they reached their destination.

Oliver and Harry shared a puzzled glance, confusion evident in their expressions. "What?" Harry asked, his voice filled with uncertainty.

"We're not all going to fit in there," Oliver added, voicing their concern.

"Just go in, boys," Mr. Weasley assured them, brimming with confidence.

Reluctantly, Harry and Oliver stepped into the seemingly minuscule tent, expecting a tight squeeze. However, to their astonishment, as they entered, they were greeted by a vast expanse that defied all logic. The inside of the tent stretched out before them, revealing a spacious area complete with a huge kitchen, a well-equipped bathroom, and even an upstairs.

"Oh my God," Oliver exclaimed, his voice filled with awe, unable to believe his eyes.

"I love magic," Harry added.

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