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"So tell me about this Triwizard tournament, dear," Mrs. Montclair said to Henry as everyone ate.

"It's pretty epic. It's a tournament between three wizards, all from different schools, to see who's the best of the best. I plan on putting my name in the Goblet of Fire this year," Henry said, beaming with excitement.

"What about you, Ollie?" Mrs. Montclair said, turning to Oliver. "Would you enter?"

Before Oliver could even speak, Henry cut him off. "He's too young for it."

"I wouldn't want to do it anyway," Oliver replied, his voice laced with a hint of defensiveness.

"Well, good, because you'd never win it," Henry laughed, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Oliver, feeling a surge of annoyance, picked up a biscuit and playfully chucked it at his brother. "Shut up," he retorted, unable to hide a smile.

But before the banter could continue, Cho interjected with a smile, her voice full of genuine encouragement. "Well, personally, I think you'd both be able to win."

Henry raised an eyebrow, his tone dripping with skepticism. "This guy right here?" He pointed at Oliver. "You know how many times I had to save his ass? Ain't no way he'd be able to handle the grueling challenges on his own."

Oliver bit his tongue, the hidden sting of Henry's words cutting deep. The competitive edge between them had always been driven by an unspoken desire for recognition, and Oliver couldn't shake the suspicion that Henry's show of superiority was merely an attempt to impress Cho.

"Well, the tournament isn't only about physical strength, Henry. It's also about intelligence, courage, and the strength of your character. Clearly, Oliver has you beat in all those aspects," Hermione said confidently, grabbing Oliver's hand in a gesture of support.

Henry, unable to hide his disdain, responded in a mocking tone, "Aww, how cute. You have to have your little girlfriend fight your battles for you."

Oliver's irritation spiked, causing him to snap back, "What's your problem, dude?"

"I don't have a problem. I'm just telling it how it is," Henry retorted dismissively.

Hermione, unwilling to let Henry's comments go unchecked, interjected with a knowing smile, "Sounds a little bit like jealousy to me."

"Pffff, whatever. Why would I need to be jealous of this little twerp?"

"Alright, boys, let's calm down a bit," Mrs. Montclair interjected, her voice laced with concern. "We're all family here. There's no need to try and prove who's better at something."

Henry leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on Oliver, a mix of uncertainty and frustration evident in his eyes.

Oliver, feeling the tension mounting, decided to excuse himself from the table. Standing up, he said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

As Oliver left, Hermione directed a death stare towards Henry, her eyes piercing with a mix of anger and disappointment. Judging by the remorseful expression etched on Henry's face, she could sense that he truly felt the weight of his hurtful words. A flicker of empathy crossed Hermione's heart, understanding that his actions were fueled by his own insecurities and a desire for validation.

The Goblet Of Fire - Hermione Granger x OC Where stories live. Discover now