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Oliver and Hermione managed to make it back to the Portkey where everyone was waiting. Isabella quickly hugged Oliver as soon as she saw him.

"Ollie! You're alright," she said.

"I'm fine, Izzy," he responded, returning the hug with equal warmth.

"I'm glad you two made it back safe," Mr. Weasley said.

"That mark in the sky, what was it?" Harry asked.

"It's the Dark Mark, Harry," Hermione responded.

"What? As in Voldemort?"

"So, those things must be his followers," Oliver chimed in.

Mr. Weasley nodded his head, confirming Oliver's observation. "Death Eaters."

"Well, what do we do now?" Henry asked.

With a sigh, Mr. Weasley spoke."We should all return home and stay there until it's time to go back to Hogwarts," he said, his voice carrying a firm tone.

The Goblet Of Fire - Hermione Granger x OC Where stories live. Discover now