The Goblet Of Fire

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Everyone enjoyed the first day feast as all the guests settled in. Isabella had her eyes locked on Victor Krum and would not stop gushing about him, captivated by his presence. Meanwhile, Hermione seemed upset by something, choosing to remain silent with an unmistakable annoyance etched on her face.

"Is something wrong?" Oliver asked, his voice gentle and sincere.

Hermione mustered up a clearly fake smile, attempting to brush off her inner turmoil. "Nope, nothing at all," she replied, her response fallacious as her troubled eyes betrayed her true emotions.

"I know you're lying, Hermione," Oliver laughed, his eyes twinkling with fondness. "Your nose has this cute little wrinkle whenever you're upset." Playfully, he gently booped her nose, causing Hermione to blush at the unexpected gesture.

"It's just... why, out of all the schools available, did we have to invite the school filled with nothing but beautiful girls?" Hermione voiced her frustration, her tone tinged with a hint of insecurity.

Oliver chuckled, the warmth of his amusement evident in his eyes. "Are you jealous, Hermione?" he teased playfully.

"No, not at all!" she quickly responded, a defensive edge in her tone masking her true feelings.

"Listen, you have nothing to worry about, I promise," Oliver reassured her, reaching out to hold her hand, offering a comforting gesture.

"Tell that to the girl who gave you that origami heart!" she retorted, the words slipping out before she could stop them.

Oliver couldn't contain his laughter. "That was nice, but she's not really my type."

Hermione's curiosity peaked, and she couldn't resist asking, "What is your 'type,' then?"

"You," he responded with a sly smile, the words causing a flutter in her heart. Without hesitation, he leaned in and kissed her, their lips meeting in a spontaneous moment of undeniable connection.

"Ew, I'm trying to eat here!" Ron exclaimed, his face contorted in disgust, as he attempted to shield his plate from the unsettling scene.

Suddenly, Dumbledore once again commanded the attention of everyone, his presence capturing the entire hall. "Your attention, please! I would like to share a few words," he announced, his voice carrying authority. "Eternal glory. That is what awaits the student who emerges victorious in the Triwizard Tournament. However, achieving this feat requires surviving three perilous tasks."

As Dumbledore's words lingered in the air, an unexpected occurrence disrupted the tranquility of the Great Hall. The roof vanished, allowing rainstorms and lightning to invade the once sheltered space. The students, caught off guard, found themselves in a state of panic until a powerful beam of light shot out, restoring the roof to its rightful place.

Startled, Oliver turned his gaze towards the source of this unnatural display. It was then that he spotted a figure, ominous and foreboding, with a lone, penetrating eye that sent shivers down his spine.

"Bloody hell, that's Mad-Eye Moody!" Ron exclaimed.

Oliver, perplexed, turned to Ron and asked, "Who?"

"He's a dark wizard catcher," Ron explained, his tone tinged with wariness. "Half the cells in Azkaban are filled because of him. Though these days, they say he's as mad as a hatter."

As they continued to observe Moody, a hush fell over the Great Hall. It was as if everyone could sense the intimidating presence that emanated from the grizzled man. His wooden leg clunked heavily against the stone floor as he made his way towards the staff table, where Dumbledore was waiting to greet him.

"My dear old friend, thank you for coming," Dumbledore said, warmly shaking Moody's hand.

"Ahhhhh," Moody croaked, his rough voice barely audible as he struggled to form words.

Curiosity started to brew amongst the students as they observed Moody's peculiar behavior. Their gaze followed him as he walked to a secluded corner and retrieved a mysterious bottle from his pocket.

"What do you think he's drinking?" Oliver asked.

"I don't know, but I highly doubt it's pumpkin juice," Harry replied.

As their conversation continued, a sudden flick of Dumbledore's wand captured their attention. In an instant, a grand goblet materialized, its presence both mesmerizing and foreboding. Before anyone could react, a brilliant blue flame erupted from the goblet, dancing and crackling with an otherworldly energy. The students, transfixed, watched as Dumbledore's control over magic was displayed once again.

"The Goblet of Fire!" Dumbledore exclaimed, his voice carrying authority and respect. "If any student wishes to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, they must write their name on a piece of parchment and throw it into the flames. However, remember this decision is not one to be taken lightly, for once chosen, there is no turning back."

As Dumbledore's words echoed in the Great Hall, a resounding thunderclap outside rattled the windows, emphasizing the gravity of the moment. The stormy atmosphere mirrored the emotions swirling within the students, a mixture of awe, fear, and excitement.

"The Triwizard Tournament has officially begun!."

The Goblet Of Fire - Hermione Granger x OC Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt