A Friendly Face

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Oliver and Henry went their separate ways, leaving behind a trail of fractured bonds. Lost and overwhelmed by a whirlwind of emotions, Oliver found solace in the quiet solitude of the courtyard. He lowered himself onto a weathered rock, his incredulity weighing heavily upon him.

"That asshole! I can't believe him," Oliver growled, frustration coursing through his veins like a torrential storm.

Hermione, her heart burdened by worry, knelt down before him, her eyes scanning his bruised visage for any sign of grave injury. "Are you alright, Oliver? Should we take you to the hospital wing?"

"No, I'll be fine," Oliver replied, his hand instinctively reaching to cradle the tender side of his face where a blooming black eye had begun to emerge.

"You're sure?" Isabella's voice etched with evident concern as she stood attentively by his side.

A forced smile tugged at the corners of Oliver's lips. "I promise, I'm alright. You both should go to bed; it's getting late."

Hesitantly, Isabella and Hermione both walked back to their common room, leaving Oliver alone. Oliver put his head down, hands covering his face, reflecting on everything that had just happened. He and Henry had had their arguments in the past, but it had never turned physical like that.

Suddenly, Oliver heard footsteps approaching him, followed by a familiar voice. "Oliver?"

Oliver looked up and was shocked to see Remus Lupin standing in front of him. Remus's gentle expression mirrored concern as he took a seat beside Oliver, offering a comforting presence.

"Lupin? What are you doing here?" Oliver's voice trembled with a mix of surprise and relief.

Remus Lupin offered a warm, understanding smile. "Well, I'm here to watch the Triwizard Tournament, of course. But when I heard about what happened to you, I had to check on you. Are you okay, Oliver?"

Oliver sighed, his eyes downcast. "Physically, I'll recover. But emotionally... I'm not so sure."

The sincerity in Lupin's voice resonated deeply with Oliver, gently encouraging him to open up. "I heard you are one of the Hogwarts champions. Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" Lupin's voice was gentle, yet inquisitive.

"No, I didn't!" Oliver's response was filled with defensiveness, his frustration evident.

Unfazed by Oliver's defensive reaction, Lupin placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I believe you, Oliver. I just had to ask."

"I'm not ready for this, Lupin. I mean, I'm not even old enough to be in this tournament, and I've heard of people way more qualified than me who have died in this tournament!" Oliver's anxiety had completely taken over, his voice trembling with doubt.

Lupin's gaze softened, understanding the weight of Oliver's fears. "I'm not going to lie to you, Oliver. The tournament will be very dangerous. But I have faith in you. Remember, you managed to summon a Patronus charm strong enough to fight off hundreds of Dementors at the age of thirteen. If there's anyone strong enough to win this tournament, it's definitely you."

Oliver's eyes widened, the memory of that extraordinary accomplishment breathing life into his troubled spirit. "You really think so?"

Lupin nodded, a trace of pride glimmering in his eyes. "Absolutely, Oliver. Your courage, determination, and resilience are a testament to your character. There will be hurdles to overcome, but trust in your abilities. "

Oliver's anxiety began to loosen its grip, replaced by a flicker of newfound confidence. "Thank you, sir. I needed to hear that."

Lupin stood up, offering a reassuring smile. "That's the spirit, Oliver. For now, though, you should really get to bed. I'd hate for you to get in trouble for breaking curfew."

The Goblet Of Fire - Hermione Granger x OC Where stories live. Discover now