The Second Task

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The day of the second task had arrived. Henry was stretching and preparing, getting ready to face the challenge ahead. However, there was one notable absence. Oliver was nowhere to be seen. With only five minutes left until the task started, a sense of worry began to creep over Henry. What if Oliver didn't show up?

Growing concerned, Henry turned to Isabella and Harry, hoping they might have some answers. "Where's Oliver?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry. Isabella and Harry exchanged unsure glances, shrugging their shoulders in response.

"I haven't seen him since last night. Hermione isn't here either," Isabella replied, her voice carrying a hint of concern.

Just as Henry was starting to fear the worst, Oliver suddenly came running towards them, his breath labored as he stopped in front of them, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

"What happened to you?" Henry asked, noticing Oliver's disheveled appearance, from his messy hair to his rumpled clothes.

Still catching his breath, Oliver shrugged nonchalantly. "I overslept," he said dismissively.

"Yeah... right," Henry said, his expression skeptical. He took one more glance at Oliver, and his eyes caught something unusual on the back of Oliver's neck.

"Is that a... bite mark?" Henry questioned, his voice tinged with curiosity.

"NO!" Oliver exclaimed, quickly covering up the back of his neck, his face turning red in embarrassment.

Henry stared at him for a few seconds, initially puzzled by Oliver's reaction. Then, suddenly, realization dawned upon him, causing him to burst into uncontrollable laughter. The sound of his laughter echoed through the air, mixing with Oliver's blush-inducing embarrassment.

Oliver tried to maintain his composure, a mix of amusement and chagrin on his face. "Yeah, laugh it up," he quipped sarcastically, his cheeks flushing even redder.

Henry eventually managed to catch his breath, wiping a tear of laughter from his eye."I take it you and Hermione are cool again?"

"You could say that," Oliver responded, a slight blush still lingering on his cheeks.

Isabella interjected, her voice laced with a playful urgency. "The task is about to start! Get ready, you two!" she exclaimed, giving Oliver and Henry a gentle shove to encourage them forward.

Dumbledore's voice echoed through the intercom, filling the air with anticipation. "Welcome to the second task! Last night, a treasured possession was stolen from each of our champions. These four treasures now lie at the bottom of the black lake, waiting to be retrieved. Each champion must bring back their treasure within the hour."

As the champions lined up along the edge of the dock, butterflies fluttered in their stomachs, their excitement palpable. A hush fell over the gathered crowd, all eyes fixed on the participants, watching as the task unfolded before them.

Suddenly, Moody approached Oliver, his gruff voice cutting through the silence. "Oliver!" he shouted, striding towards the young wizard.

He took a gross, green substance out of his pocket and said, "Put this in your mouth."

Oliver eyed the green substance Moody produced from his pocket. It seemed anything but appetizing. "What is it?" he asked, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

"Don't question me, boy, just do it!" Moody barked.

Oliver hesitantly placed the green substance in his mouth, instantly regretting it as he started to gag. The taste was repulsive, and the texture made his throat constrict. Seeing Oliver's distress, Moody swiftly moved closer, giving him a few firm pats on the back to help ease his discomfort.

The Goblet Of Fire - Hermione Granger x OC Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang