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Oliver walked through the courtyard on his way to see Moody, a sense of unease settling in his stomach. As he passed by the students, he noticed their judgmental glares and heard their muttered comments.

"You cheated!" one of the students said.

"Henry's better," another sneered, their words dripping with disdain.

Oliver couldn't help but feel the weight of their words, but he refused to let it consume him. With a hint of sarcasm and frustration, he responded, "Yeah, thanks." He rolled his eyes.

He turned the corner and bumped into Henry, the tension between them palpable. Their eyes locked, and for a split second, Henry's face twitched with a flicker of remorse as he saw his brother with a huge black eye, a visible reminder of the harm he had caused. However, the remorse was transient, replaced by a cold and indifferent expression within seconds.

"Move," Oliver said, frustration seeping into his voice.

"Or what?" Henry retorted, a hint of arrogance in his tone.

Oliver narrowed his eyes, fixing Henry with a death stare that radiated his anger.

"That would be more intimidating if you didn't have a huge black eye," Henry mocked, a cruel laughter escaping his lips.

"Whatever," Oliver muttered, his voice laced with annoyance. He forcefully slammed his shoulder into Henry's as he walked past his brother.

Before he could make it three steps, he heard another voice from behind him. "Why so tense, Montclair?"

Oliver turned to see Malfoy smugly perched in a tree. He let out a frustrated sigh but continued walking, unwilling to engage in yet another confrontation with Draco.

"My father and I have a bet, you see," Malfoy called out, his arrogant tone dripping with disdain. "I don't think you'll last ten minutes in this tournament."

Oliver suddenly stopped in his tracks, a surge of anger welling within him. He clenched his fists, desperately trying to maintain his composure and prevent any violence from erupting.

Unfazed by Oliver's seething anger, Malfoy dropped down from the tree and began walking towards him. "He disagrees. He doesn't think you'll last five," he taunted, a smug laugh escaping his lips.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT YOUR FATHER THINKS, MALFOY!" Oliver shouted, his voice filled with righteous anger as he faced Malfoy head-on. "He's vile and cruel, and you're nothing more than a pathetic little baby." With a forceful shove, Oliver pushed Malfoy away, his frustration boiling over.

Turning on his heel, Oliver began to walk away, his heart pounding with adrenaline. However, he had barely taken a few steps when he heard a malicious chuckle from behind him.

"Pathetic, huh?" Malfoy's sneering voice cut through the air, accompanied by the unmistakable sound of a wand being drawn. Oliver instinctively tightened his grip on his own wand, prepared for any incoming attack.

But just as Malfoy was about to cast a spell from behind, a commanding voice intervened.

"OH NO YOU DON'T, SONNY!" Moody's voice boomed. In a swift motion, he raised his wand and cast a spell directly at Malfoy.

In a flash of magical energy, Malfoy's figure transformed, no longer standing arrogantly before them. Instead, he had been turned into a small, scurrying weasel, his pride and superiority reduced to nothing but a mere animal.

"That'll teach you to curse someone while their back is turned!" Moody said as he approached Oliver.

The weasel quickly scurried away, disappearing into the surrounding trees. Oliver watched its escape with a sense of relief, knowing that justice had been served.

Moody let out a chilling laugh, his eyes gleaming with mischief, before turning to look at Oliver, who now wore a slightly bewildered smile on his face.

"You," Moody said, his tone commanding and authoritative, "come with me." He began to walk away, expecting Oliver to follow.

The smile on Oliver's face quickly faded as his curiosity transformed into a feeling of trepidation. Unsure of what lay ahead, he hesitated for a moment before reluctantly starting to follow Moody.

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