Chapter 62: Hear The Dragon Roar - Part 4

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Here we are for another installment of GOTM. Gotta admit the only reason it took so long was that I was trying to figure out how the fight between Raven and Jolyne would go. Now I think I have an understanding of what I want to do for it. Of course, we won't be solely focusing on that in this chapter, I have a policy that there are at least three segments in a chapter for this fic, and I'm going to try and stick to it as much as possible without the chapter being too bloated.

Speaking of bloating, I've been thinking... should GOTM remain a Harem Story. Honestly, it feels forced. So the question is this: Should "Gamer Of The Multiverse" Remain a Harem Story? This is a link to the poll. Vote now. By the time the next chapter comes out will be the time limit, so a few days. This will impact the plot heavily, so keep that in mind: https : // strawpoll . com / NPgxENzdoZ2

That being said, I have a feeling that it won't really matter in the end. Since these chapters are horrendously long regardless of what I do. So instead of wasting time typing out this author's note, I think I should get right into My Response to Reviews/Comments.

[Response to Reviews/Comments]

(Qoutev) Sunky Addict: It's not Makimo, it's Makaria. I swear every time you type out a comment with her name, you always find some way to fudge it up. I'mma start calling you Luffy if you keep this up. Also yes, Ruby doing BJs is an image that has been stuck in my head ever since I wrote that she does do that, and it has been rotting in my mind ever since. I will never write a scene of her doing that... maybe....

(Ao3) AidenJacksonSmithDSBB: Well, I hope you're doing better now. And no need to thank me, seriously I don't need my ego to be stroked more than it already is.... Hope you're having a good day!

(Ao3) Kolt: Honestly, I don't get the whole craze behind DxD. I mean, I know the world itself is amazing, and I know that the concept is good, and that's ruined by it being a Harem Anime with the protagonist being the horniest POS to ever exist. Maybe that's why I refuse to watch it.... Ah oh well, not that I care.

That's something that I dislike about Ruby fics, and that's how Ozpin bends over backwards for every MC. Not that he didn't fan dangle stuff for Jolyne so that she could join the school, but at least try and stick to his character instead of hyper-focusing on his aforementioned bending over backwards. He, like all characters, has limits on what they'll accept and what they won't. And seeing as Jolyne is who she is... well, some buttons will be pushed later.

A-hem, moving on. I don't blame you for forgetting Makaria and Syd exist, especially considering they haven't appeared much, but they will be in Part 2 of the RWBYverse. As for Makaria and her keeping the child, personally to me it makes sense, and considering all of what she had been forced through, all of the pain she had gone through, and the loss of her two children because Jamol stole them from her, I felt as if her character would want to keep the child. While I was tempted to make it a more conflicting thing for Makaria, I spoke to some writer friends of mine and character-wise, they all said that it made sense for Makaria to keep the kiddo, especially with her missing out on the chance to be a mother in the first place.

That aside, Jamol coming after Makaria... I won't touch that, cause if I say anything, I will spoil something. So we'll just leave that alone, lol. Also don't underestimate Makaria. She's a powerhouse, and once she gets better you'll see that. Same with Syd. And yes, Syd is a very, very good doctor. Think Medic from TF2, just less mad scientist. Have a good day Kolt!

(Ao3) Tymaddux: Ruby is indeed dripped out AF. And you're right about Jolyne and how she won't change overnight. I've read a lot of fics that drop the ball about that. Jolyne has done a lot of terrible stuff that would make most War Criminals blush, and while she is trying to be a better person, she is still a villain at heart. That will be shown off in later chapters in Part 2, Part 3, and ESPECIALLY in Part 4 (because yes, the RWBYverse is a biggin. It kinda has to be for what I want to do in the future).

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