Chapter 51 - Confusion and Disillusion - Part 4

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Alright, here we are again with yet another chapter of GOTM. It's been a hot minute, i.e. two weeks and some change, so let's just hop into it, yeah? I really don't have much to say here, so, instead, how about I just get into my responses to reviews/comments?

[Response to Reviews/Comments]

(Qoutev) Shine375: LORE is always the best when it's hidden, lol!

(Qoutev) TACO SENSEI: I wasn't really trying to parallel Finding Nemo with that. I guess it just happened. Also "As useless as two tits on a bull" is a phrase I heard a lot growing up. It pretty much just means someone is so useless that it needs to be pointed out. Kinda like how it would be useless for a Bull to have a pair of tits, yeah?

(Guest) Reader 451: Yeah... Zain's a little dumb. Don't worry, he'll catch up! Maybe... possibly.... Probably not.

Kolt999: Interlude chapters are basically the main plot of the story progressing. You know, the Gods stuff, which is kinda important. They are going to be few and far between unless there is a need for them or we're world-hopping.

Now, to clear something up regarding the stuff Ruby has. While I can't go too far into detail because, you know, spoilers, you're pretty much on the money here. It is definitely a more NSFW thing, but not strictly NSFW if that makes any sense. I'm keeping it vague for a reason, but trust me, when it happens, you'll know whether or not I'm saying this just to say it, or if I'm being quite literal.

Now, as for how the Multiversal Systems work, Each Multiversal System is tied to what I call The Nine Major Pantheons. These Pantheons are Norse Mythology, Greek Mythology, Roman Catholic Mythology, Buddhism, Egyptian Mythology, Hinduism, and Native American Mythology. Now, as for the Sin that the systems are tied to, it already comes pre-packed. The Norse system is tied to Lust, and Roman Catholicism is tied to Pride. The others will be revealed as time goes on, obviously, but you get the jist. It has always been this way. It has never changed, and it will always be that way.

Oh, and it's more like it's "managed" and not owned. Any of the pantheons can become beholden to The Multiversal Systems, its more of the fact that Roman Catholicism takes Pride as their own because they have been the only ones in history to have some modicum of control over the users without it getting out of hand, Jamol notwithstanding. Also, Jamol's determination to not do what Jamol typically does is... well, it'll be a riot once the two actually see each other, you know, in three months from now (In story time, not irl).

Once again, Zain is dumb, and I'm portraying him to be that way on purpose. Not because I don't like his character, but because it is in his character to do that. He's more determined to "do the right thing" than to listen to reason.

And then we get to Kokichi... good luck Cinder, because she'll need it.

Have yourself a wonderful day, Kolt!

Xmasboss (Chapter 24): she forgot to use it/I forgot to have her use it.

Now, with that out of the way, let's jump into the chapter!


[Natsumi Kuzuryu]

Walking in the desert for days on end was not how she wanted to spend her time, and frankly, she was fairly certain that everyone around her, except for the monster in human skin, felt the same way. Mahiru looked like she was about to die from heatstroke, the two idol girls looked like they had died and come back to life, and Jasper... Jasper seemed to be just fine all things considered.

Then came, well, Natsumi herself. Because she was now part Cheetah, which was an animal that had abysmal heat regulation, she had to sit under as much shade as possible to allow her body to cool down. Sure, she could sweat and have her body cool down like that, but her body, now being part Cheetah, had to deal with the same problems that Cheetah's had.

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